Daniyal's Plan

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Same day ~~~~

At Daniyal's home
Daniyal goes home after college.

After that Daniyal goes into a room where there were a lot of photos.

What we see is that it is Siddiqui's photos.

After that Daniyal goes to the photo of Barkat Siddiqui.

Daniyal's POV:
"Finally, my revenge will be complete. 10 years ago, just because of you my father feel so bad that he was arrested by the police even though he had not even committed any crime."

"I have hated you ever since."

After that he goes to Rehemat's photo

"I wish Rehemat, you were not the daughter of Barkat and this revenge had not happened, then I would have truly fallen in love with you."

"Sometimes I feel so bad for you
But I can't do anything, so I have to take revenge."

"Just as my father felt ashamed because of Barkat, he too will have to feel ashamed."

Dilawar's call came...
Daniyal - assalamualaikum papa.

Dilawar - walekum asalam son.

Daniyal - how are u ?

Dilawar - I am fine but have you done anything yet to get the revenge ?

Daniyal - Yes father,I have trapped Barkat's daughter in the web of my love, now I will break the marriage with her on the wedding day.
How much more will this Barkat be diminished by this?
Then our revenge will be complete. You were insulted a lot because of Barkat, now it is his turn.

Dilawar - I am proud of you.

Then call cut~~~

Daniyal talking to himself...
"But father, I feel very bad for his daughter Rehemat, it is not her fault."

Daniyal - He is to himself.
Come to your senses Daniyal, you can't think like this, you have to take revenge.

After sometimes ~~~~


After some argument between Rehemat and Tahir, Rehmat reaches home and goes to her room and rests her head on the study table and thinks.
Now what has happened to Tahir, He is still doubting on Daniyal.

"And why Tahir is coming to my mind again and again."

"And why am I remembering again and again the fight that Tahir had with the goon for me?"

Zahira - Come down Rehemat, we have to go to Shifa's birthday.

I had almost forgotten that today is Shifa's birthday she said to herself.

Aida comes to Rehemat's room. I don't want to go to Shifa's birthday she said.

Rehemat - But why would she be waiting for you?

Aida - Yes, but I haven't bought any gift for her.

Rehemat - Okay, let's go now to get the gift.

Aida - But now it's time to go.

Rehemat - so what, we will bring it quickly.

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