The misunderstanding

65 22 13

Next day~~~

"I didn't feel like going to college at all."

Then she thinks that I will have to go to college today, I have to find out the truth about Daniyal.

"Today I will definitely ask him whether his surname is Malik or Khan enough of this drama now."

After this Rehemat comes down after getting ready.

Zahira - Okay, so you are ready for college.

Rehemat - Yes, first I thought that I will not go to college today, I was a little tired, but it is necessary to go.
So now I leave after having breakfast

Zahira - ok take care.

After that Rehemat reaches college~~~

And today Sadia had come to college.

Rehemat looked at Sadia And then she goes to Sadia to talk to her.

After all she came back,
Rehemat said this in a slightly different way.

Hey Sadia, where have you gone?

Do you have any idea what has happened here?

Me,Asim and Amna have also come to college that night.

Sadia - Don't take Asim's name, I hate him and you also don't talk to me.

Rehemat - Why what did Asim do? He was your very good friend, wasn't he?
and now what did i do ?

Sadia - You haven't done anything *sighs*

Rehemat - Look, first tell me clearly what is the mistake.

Sadia - Because unless you tell me what is going on in your mind, no one will know anything, neither Asim nor me.

Rehemat - And if you don't want to tell anything, then it's okay. Stay away from me too.

Because I am in big trouble

Sadia - oh really.

Rehemat - Yes really *sighs*

Then Rehemat goes to her class..

After some time it is time to go home.

She asked Daniyal.

Rehemat - "How can you do this ? You left me alone yesterday, those goons could have even killed me."

Daniyal - But they didn't do anything.

Rehemat - Because Tahir had come at the right time.

Daniyal - So what are you trying to say that I was not worried about you, I also called the police and I am very worried about you.

Rehemat - Tell me the truth and tell me what your surname is tell the truth.

Daniyal - Why do you keep asking about my surname? Don't you know that my name is Daniyal Khan?

Rehemat - If you are really Khan then why is your surname Malik in the register?

And why is your father's name written as Dilawar Malik?

And this is the same Dilawar Malik whose name was on the card which was found at the accident site.

Daniyal - I don't know who is Malik and Dilawar Malik, maybe it is wrongly written in the register because my father's name is Dilkash Khan.

But you don't trust me. If I had done all this then why would I have saved you?

If you don't trust me then it's okay I will break this engagement.

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