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ith time, everything got better, happiness returned to the Siddiqui family, and their cafe started running well.

With the first rays of morning, we see someone who is still sleeping. She comes out of her bed and sees today's date, becoming happy. "Yeah, tomorrow is my birthday. I'm so excited. Since when I was waiting for my birthday, I will turn 20, and tomorrow my final year of college is also starting, so excited."

Rehemat's room --- She has her own room now that she has grown up. But she still hasn't spoken about the day when her father's company was closed. Now she thinks and makes a promise to herself.

"Nothing will happen by thinking like this Rehemat. Now you will have to do something. You are an architect. You have to become that Siddiqui Industry, only then you can do something."

"But tomorrow, it's my birthday. I always wait for my birthday, no matter how old I am. I always wait for my birthday."

"Now, I have to see who remembers my birthday."

So let's start from the beginning.

She goes to her sister's room to see if she remembers her birthday.

"Aida, tell me what is tomorrow, Rehemat?" (Aida pretends that she doesn't know that tomorrow is Rehemat's birthday.)

"You really don't know what tomorrow holds."

"I don't know. The new semester of your college will start tomorrow," said Aida.

"How can you forget?"

"What have I forgotten, Appi?" asked Aida.

"You don't remember anything, so what should I tell you?"

"But what I don't remember?"

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

Rehemat left.

"Hahhhh, I remember everything. Today, my brother and I made a plan to surprise him."

After some time ----

"Now I will ask Adnan," and then Rehemat goes to her brother's room (Adnan) and she asks him the same question.

And he says, "I don't remember. What you reminded me yesterday, I can't remember."

"Is there any famous day?"

"What is a famous day? Don't miss it."

"But what happened, Appi? Tell me what happened tomorrow. Can't I remember?"

Then Rehemat left ---

"Haha, I remember everything. I was joking. I have to give a surprise at 12 midnight."

Rehemat's POV: She also forgot about it, then Rehemat comes back to her room. She is really upset, and she thinks that no one knows about her birthday.

Rehemat's POV: "Tomorrow is my birthday, and no one remembers my birthday. Maybe, mom and dad remember or maybe not."

Then it's lunchtime, everyone comes down to eat.

"Ammi, where is papa?"

"He is at the cafe."

"Okay. Don't you think you are forgetting something?"

"Yes, I remembered."

"I remembered you."

"Tell Adnan and Aida that he is still upstairs to eat and call him."


"Are you just forgetting this?"

"Yes, just go and call them."

Then Rehemat goes to Aida's room.

"Come on, it's time to eat. Come down."

"Yes, I am coming."

Then she goes to Adnan's room and tells him that it is time to eat, so he should come down.

He says, "He is just packing for college, and from tomorrow, he will go to college for the first time. I am very happy. Tomorrow I have to go to college. I was busy, and going to college was beginning to seem boring."

"You said college was boring?"

"Hey, we both are in the same college, and I am your senior."

"This is your last year. You will definitely leave, then the whole college will be mine."

"Oh, that college will still be mine."

They both start arguing with each other.

Just then, his mother's voice comes, "Rehmat, you had gone to call, so why did you sit down? Come down also."

"Yes, let me invite you for dinner."

"Okay, I'll do the packing later. I'll eat first."

They come down there.

"Where were both of them?"

"Ammi, please pack for college."

"Uncle Rehmat, you are not packing for college."

"My entire bag of books is already ready. I just have to put them in the bag in the morning."

"Ok, don't be late tomorrow."

"Ok, mom."

Then they all start eating food, then their father Barkat Siddiqui comes from the cafe.

"You have come."

"Yes, I have to go to get some things, so I started after home."

"Ok, but what are you going to take?"

"Get someone else to speak."

"No, I should go to get it, so I will go."

"By the way, papa, what's tomorrow?"

"I don't remember what tomorrow is."

"I remembered that tomorrow the new semester of your college will start, and tomorrow Adnan will also go to college."

"I remembered right now. I have to go do some important work."

Barkat left ---

Her POV: "It's been a whole day, and no one has remembered my birthday. I don't want to talk to anyone now."

Then after some time, it is time for dinner. Everyone goes to their rooms after having dinner.

After dinner-

Then Rehemat is going to sleep because it was already 11:30, and she had to get up earlier tomorrow, so she fell asleep.

After a while, someone knocks on her door.

And she suddenly woke up and she saw that her whole family had come to wish her because it was 12:00, and they were wishing her.

Rehemat's POV: "Yes, everyone remembered my birthday. I thought everyone had forgotten. When I asked Aida and Adnan, they said that they did not remember."

Aida says, "We remembered, but we were pretending that we did not remember because my brother and I had made this plan."

"I am getting angry. How can you do this?" said Rehemat while laughing.

"Ammi, you didn't even tell me."

"What kind of plan could I spoil?"

"Barkat- This is a gift for you, from now on you will go to college only on scooty."

"Thank you so much that you went to get this today."

"Yes, tell me how you liked the gift."

"I liked it very much," she said.

After some time---

"Zahira - Now everyone go and sleep. We have to get up early in the morning."

"Yes, Ammi, we are all going. Good night


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