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Sadiya searching for a Asim when she gets a call from ambulance.

"You called us?"

"Yes, it was I who called you."

"How is that person now?"

"He is not well. His condition is not good, and you must visit the hospital to complete some formalities."

"I don't know why I feel like that person's condition is not good. Why am I worried about him even though I don't know him?"
I immediately went to the hospital to see him and asked the doctor where that person was. When I went there, I came to know that he was undergoing an operation in the theater.Though I don't know him, I still feel as if I know him. I started praying for his safety. "Allah pak save this man's life, please." I was praying, and then Tahir and Rehmat come with Amna.

"How is he now?"asked by Rehemat.

"You also know the person who met with an accident, Rehemat."

"What are you saying Sadiya, I am asking how is Asim."

"What do you mean? I didn't get it."

Then a nurse comes and tells that you all are from the patient's family.

"No, they are friends," Amna says, "I am his sister."

"He is in very bad condition."

"Is it Asim? The one I saved was Asim, and his condition is bad now." Sadia stumbles after saying this, and she starts crying. "I didn't even know that he is Asim, what thing was happening to me."

Suddenly his father arrives.

"He said let me meet him."

"You won't meet them, father, all this has happened because of you."

Doctor: "It is better if you all do these things later. The patient needs blood. He has lost a lot of blood. You all should get a blood test done."

Everyone gets their blood checked, no one matches.

"You all are not matching; we want AB positive now."

"His father says, this blood is mine, take it."

"No, you will not give."Amna says.

"Amna, try to understand, it will be very difficult to save Asim," said Rehemat.

"No Rehemat, I don't need his help."

"Amna, let them give blood."

Then the doctor takes Asim's father to donate blood.

After some time, everyone was continuously praying for Asim to be saved. The doctor comes out and says he is fine. Everyone feels relieved after hearing this.

"Can we meet Asim?" asked Sadiya.

"Not now, you can meet him after some time."

"Thank you, papa."

"Amna, he is my son, so I saved him."

After some time, Asim regains consciousness. The doctor says one can go. Everyone thinks that they will send him to his father now, so perhaps Asim might be stressed. So, he sends Sadiya first. She goes inside and looks at Asim.

"How are you, Asim?"

"I feel great now."

Sadiya sits politely for a while, and then the doctor says, "Let's meet later. The patient needs some rest."

Then they all come back.

"Rehemat and Tahir, you guys can go to your home. You both must be tired and have been here for a long time."

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