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"Clear!" The nurse yelled as the 1000 volt defibrillator made a loud thump on the chest of the greatest man I've ever known. His body shakes violently as the electric is coursing throughout him. I know he's gone. He fought this for too long.

"Time of death?" The nurse asked.

"10:53," another nurse responded.

They begin to remove their gloves from their hands.

"Are you ok?" The nurse said while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yea.... I, I'm fine I just need to set down." I say while pulling a chair over and taking a seat.

I've never seen anyone die before. I know death is something that eventually happens to everyone, but seeing the lifeless body of my best friend laying on a hospital bed makes it all too real.
I felt a heaviness in my heart and a lump in my throat. I couldn't believe the life that he lived. He's gone, but I will never forget his story and the events that he had told me. Some would look at him differently but I don't, he's still the best man that I had ever known.
Charlie had endured so much in his life. I could never imagine the pain that he must have experienced not only physically but emotionally. He is still my best friend, my....

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