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Chapter 14

  The next morning, sunlight was trying to penetrate my eyes. I barely opened them up, the sun was beaming through my window.

  "What time is it!" I exclaimed.

  I stand up like a rocket making its way to outer space. I grab a pair of pants, sliding them over my legs. I reach into my closet and grab a white tee shirt, I instantly put it on without hesitation. I walk over to my drawer and get out a pair of socks, I put them on while hoping towards my door. I grab the knob....
He's gone, dad's not downstairs I realized. I sit down on my bed gathering thoughts. I place my elbows on my knees, resting my head on my hands. What am I going to do? The life I had before has now completely changed.

  "Ring, ring." The telephone rings.

  I get up and run downstairs quickly to pick up the phone.

  "Hello?" I ask

  "Is this Charlie Anderson?"

  My heart begins to race, wondering how these people know my name.

  "Yes." I answer, anticipating what they're going to say next.

  "This is Robert Godwin of Grayson's funeral home. First of all we want to send our condolences to you and your family. If you wouldn't mind, please bring the items you want your father to wear, also any pictures or trinkets you may want to place in the casket with him. I will be here until four this evening."

  "Okay, I'll head that way in a few minutes."

  "Alrighty see ya soon." Robert said as he ended the call.

  I walk back into dad's room and begin to look through his clothes. Ever since I've been little he has always worn some type of work shirt with blue jeans. I stare in his closet for a moment and hiding in the far back corner is a blue button up shirt. I grab it and the best looking pair of jeans.
On the shelf adjacent to his bed is a picture of him and mom when they were young. While looking through his things I find a dollar in one of his drawers and stick it in my pocket. I grab the small pile of things I had gathered and walk out the door.
While on my journey I hear a faint voice "Charlie!"

  I turn to the direction from which the voice came.
"Charlie, wait for me!"

  She is getting closer now, her long beautiful hair bouncing as she runs towards me, it's Cassie.

  "Charlie Anderson, where on earth have you been? I stopped by your house and knocked on your window but you weren't there."

  "Sorry Cassie, dad passed away. I ended up going to the hospital with him."

  "I'm sorry Charlie. Are you ok?"

  "Yeah, I'll be ok. Dad had a bad case of pneumonia. The doctor ended up placing him on a machine that helps him breathe, somehow later that day he said the machine had malfunctioned. By the time they had found him it was too late."

  "Is there anything I could do?" She asked while rubbing my back.

  "No, thank you though."

  "Charlie Anderson I love you."

My heart begins to palpitate the moment those words leave her lips.

  "I love you too."

  We continue on our journey to the funeral home. She explained to me how she had refused to go to school and had waited all morning for me to come out of my house to see what had happened.
  We finally arrive. It's a beautiful small brick building. Its door is a deep red color with a flower pot on either side. The plants surrounding the front walk are all fake but gorgeous. I take a deep breath before walking in the entrance.

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