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Chapter 17

  My eyes immediately open. Today is the big day, I start my job.  I have a plethora of emotions. My stomach is churning, not knowing what to expect.  I've never really worked on a vehicle before, I hope Red knows it will take me a little time to learn.
  I roll out of bed, my feet firmly planted on the floor. I walk over to my closet and get my clothes on. I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I blunder through the cabinets trying to find something to satisfy my hunger. I walk over to the fridge and find a few pieces of turkey Cassie had brought over.

  "Turkey for breakfast,yummy...." I say sarcastically.

  After breakfast, I walk towards the front door to put my shoes on. I look in the direction of my shoes and notice I've developed a hole in the sidewall of one of them. I begin to panic a little. I look around as if a new pair of shoes would magically appear. Over in the corner sit dad's work boots. I pick them up to inspect.

  "That will work."

  I sit on the floor and put them on. They are a little big but will work. I walk out the door.

  "Charlie!" Cassie yelled as I walked out the door.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I'm not gonna miss your first day of work!"

  She leaps into my arms squeezing me like her life depends on it. She pulls back her head looking me in the eyes.

  "Charlie Anderson, today is your big day and you deserve the very best."

  Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled.

  "Thanks Cassie, I appreciate it." I say while inching closer for a kiss.

  Our lips pressed firmly against one another.

  "I love you." She says smiling.

  "I love you too." I reply.

  We begin to walk towards my destination hand in hand.
Cassie's demeanor begins to change. She develops a sad look on her face.

  "Charlie, I want you to meet me at our spot this evening."

  "Ok? Is there anything wrong?" I ask

  "No. I just want to talk, plus it's been a while since we have been there."

  We continue on our journey. Cassie walks me all the way to the garage. We lean in for our farewell kiss.
  "I'll see you this evening, I love you." I say embracing Cassie.

  "I love you too , Charlie Anderson."

  We separate, I walk into the garage.

  "Hey there fella." Red says

  I noticed his grease covered clothes. It appears that he hadn't changed from the day before but I'd say these are just his stained work clothes.

  "Hey Red, how's it going?" I asked, hoping for a friendly conversation.

  "Going good. Now I know you probably got some critters running around in your stomach but don't you be fretting. Ole red will take you under his wing and I'll show you everything I know. It ain't much but I'll show ya anyways." Red said with a big smile on his face.

  "Thanks Red."

  I stand awkwardly for a moment, silent, not entirely sure what to do. I begin to feel anxiety taking over. The last thing I want to do is make a bad impression on the first day.

  "Alrighty young fella, go out there and bring that ole Dodge Dart in. The keys are hanging in the key box behind the door in my office."

  "Yes sir." I say.

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