Chapter 6

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After school I was walking home, Tommy had told me earlier he had basketball practice, so I decided I would take the long way home, through the woods near Mrs. Brysons house. I love taking this way because of all the scenery. Last year Tommy and I decided to go through there and seen an actual bobcat!
I come to a creek where Tommy and I had built a makeshift bridge out of a fallen log and some branches that we had found. It's not the most stable bridge in the world but it is a functional bridge.

"Charlie!" I turn around startled from hearing my name and thinking I'm alone.

"Cassie? What in the world are you doing out here?" I say with a surprised voice.

"I seen you walk into the woods and figured I might want to tag along. I thought you may be going on an adventure haha." Cassie said with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

I stand there for a second contemplating on what to say next. All of a sudden she grabs my hand.

"Come on Charlie, let's go on an adventure." Cassie said.

I stop breathing when she takes hold of my hand. Her hand is soft, like the blanket that Tommy had gotten for Christmas one year.
She continues talking but I'm oblivious to the conversation. She looks back at me every few steps and smiles. I hear my heart beating.

"What kind of bridge is this?" Cassie asks laughing.

"Well, that's Tommy and my craftsmanship." I say proudly.

"Wow! It must have took you guys all day to build." Cassie said in a sarcastic tone.

"Be careful!" I yelled as she began to trip across the bridge while holding my hand.

I grip her delicate hand even tighter and try to pull against her momentum, but it was too late...

"SPLASH!" The creek said violently.

"Charlie help!" Cassie screamed.

"It's ok! Just stand up." I said reassuringly.

"Help me out of here Charlie. I still have some anxiety since I hit my head at the river."

I grab hold of her hand and lead Cassie down to the sloping bank that lead to the waters edge. Our feet were getting stuck in the mud as I was leading her up the bank.
Crash! I slip and since I was holding her hand she falls gracefully on me .
I lay in silence and make eye contact with Cassie. She's smiling, but after a few seconds her smile becomes a stare. I look deeper into her eyes and notice her soft pink lips, she leans in closer. Right when our lips meet, Snap! We both look up toward the sound and see a fawn trotting past. I look down and smile.

"Let's get out of here"

We walk down the trail toward home and notice a few squirrels playing in the distance.

"I love watching squirrels play." Cassie says with a soft voice

"Yeah they are like the Jack Russel of the forest." I said jokingly.

"Whats that up there?" Cassie asked while pointing to some small trees interwoven to form a small tunnel. On each side of the tunnel there was small pine that almost form a privacy fence.

"I don't know. I've never walked up there." I said with a curious expression on my face.

"Let's find out." Cassie said.

We walked up the short but steep hill, taking our time so we wouldn't slip. We finally reach the tunnel entrance.

"I'll check it out." I said with her safety in mind.

"My hero." Cassie said jokingly.

She reaches up and taps me on my side. I turn to look and see an outstretched hand. I reach back and hold her hand, being sure that I wasn't squeezing it too tight. I duck my head to avoid the branches that are protruding down at the top of the tunnel.

"Watch your head." I tell Cassie with a careful tone.

We walk in, immediately I begin to inspect the ground. Observing each step as if a booby trap could be lying anywhere.

"Beautiful!" Cassie exclaims.

I look up and I am baffled. There is a small field in the middle of nowhere. It has all types of wild flowers and wheat.

"What is this place?" I questioned, knowing neither of us had the answer.

"Our place." Cassie said in a soft voice.

She started to walk side by side with me still gripping my hand, leading me down to the ground and we lay down next to each other looking up at the clouds.

"Charlie? Do you think heaven is real?"

"It's got to be. There has to be more to life than this. If not just take me now." I answered.

We lay there for a few minutes without a word being said and then I notice on her wrist is a small delicate bracelet with an inscription Pumpkin.

"Do you like Halloween?" I say while holding her hand in the air looking at her delicate bracelet.

"It's actually what my dad use to call me." She said as the tone of her voice began to quiver.

"Use to?" I said with a concerned look.

"Yeah, when I was three my dad, mom and myself were going on a trip to Dayton to get groceries and finish up Christmas shopping. While we were at an intersection, the light had just turned green, when....well dad pulled out and a semi truck t-boned us on the driver side. Dad and mom didn't make it."

"I'm so sorry Cassie." I said noticing tears forming in her eyes.

"It was a long time ago. The truck drivers name was Ralph Sutton, he ended up pulling me out of the car."

"I know that was hard on you Cassie."

"It was, for years I couldn't understand why he wasn't paying attention, why couldn't he see our car in time." Cassie said with tears starting to flow.

"Did he end up going to prison?"

"He ended up going jail for a month or two. The best I could find out and he bailed out and never had to serve any time." She said.

"Where is he now?" I asked with a serious look.

"Ralph ended up passing away last year. Turns out Mr. Sutton had pneumonia, a terrible case and couldn't recover."  Cassie said.

"Ok, enough of all this negativity, let's go home Charlie Anderson." Cassie said with the sweetest voice.

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