Chapter 3

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"Woooo!" Cassie screamed as she swung from the rope.
Crashing violently into the river below and breaching the water with a face full laughter.
She is amazing like a fish in the ocean, it's almost like she belongs in the water.

"Come on in Charlie!" Tommy yelled while violently flailing around in the water.

I didn't know what I was gonna do, I hated to take my shirt off but I know if I don't then Tommy will suspect something. It's just the other morning I'd accidentally let dad catch me reading Superman, and dad always told me that anything that's fake is the devil and he won't let a devil of any kind in his house. He got real mad, the maddest I'd ever seen, he used the metal end of his belt this time and it just bruised my back real bad. I'm sure he didn't mean to hit me that hard he was just trying to remind me of what I had done wrong and not to do it again.

" I will in a minute man."

"Come on Charlie you can't be a chicken all your life." Tommy joked.

"I'm not Tommy, I was just up late that's all." I said knowing I had just lied to my best friend.

"Wooo!" Cassie screamed as she swung from the rope.
Crashing violently into the river below and breaching the water. This time when she came up she had blood pouring from her face.

"Ahhhh!" Cassie screamed at the top of her lungs.

Quickly without thinking, I ran as fast as I could and jumped into the cold river, it almost took my breath away as I hit the water. I swam as fast as I could to get to her.

"Help!" She screamed again as if she was losing hope on her rescue.

At this point I can see her in clear view; I'm within fifteen feet of her. This beautiful girl that I had just met earlier was hurt and I was going to do anything to make sure she is going to be okay.
Then out of nowhere, Tommy swooped in, reached out his hand and wrapped his arm around her waste.

"I got you!" Tommy yelled while fighting the river  with both his and Cassie's body weight.

I'm glad Tommy rescued Cassie.... I, I just wanted to be the hero this time. My heart hurts and eyes are watering, but they can't tell since I just got out of the river. My arms feel like I had just done one hundred push ups, heavy from the swim. I really like Cassie and kind of wanted this rescue. Is it too much to ask that I could be the night in shinning armor?
Tommy took Cassie and laid her over next to a big piece of drift wood.

"You ok?" Tommy said with a concerned look on his face.

"I'll be fine." Cassie said while holding pressure on her wound with a piece of ripped shirt Tommy had handed her.

"You scared the life out of me!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Yeah I didn't know what had happened I just knew I seen blood and it scared me." She said while staring into my eyes.

We sat by the river and talked for a couple hours before we left. Tommy and I walked Cassie to her house and then walked on to our house. Tommy was my neighbor he lived three houses down in a big nice white house with black shutters and a red door.
"I'll see you tomorrow Tommy" I said while walking past his driveway towards my house.

" See you tomorrow buddy ."

I walk up to the door of my house and turn the knob.

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