Chapter 5

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Monday came, and I was eager to get to school, but first breakfast. I had woke up early today so dad wouldn't say anything to me. I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, I stared as if the fridge would magically grow food, but of course it didn't. I shut the door and walked over to the cabinet.

"Yes!" I said with a cheerful tone.

I looked in the back of the cabinet, almost hidden was a pack of plain oatmeal!

"Today is going to be a good day!" I said as I poured the oatmeal into a bowl and filled it with water.

I sat down at the table for about twenty minutes and finished every last bite of oatmeal.

"I'm full!" I exclaimed, knowing this was the largest breakfast that I've had in a week.

As I stretched, sitting in the kitchen chair, I had realized that dad had not walked in yet.
I stood up and began to walk softly down the hall toward dad's room. My palms beginning to sweat and my heart racing. I stand at the door and take a deep breath.

Tap, tap, tap, I knocked very easily.

"Dad?" I said softly, I wasn't wanting him to think that I was raising my voice because I would never do such a thing. Dad had always told me "you ever raise your voice I'll make sure you won't be able to do it again."

I stood there for what seemed like an eternity, I was contemplating on whether or not to open the door. On one hand dad could have just over slept, but on the other hand something could be wrong.
I reached for the door slowly turning the door knob.

Boom! The door swung open violently.

"Charlie! What time is it?" Dad said with a concerned look on his face.

"3:30 dad."

"Oh man I thought I was late for work!"

I breathed a sigh of relief when that door had swung open, I thought I'd knocked too loud.
He ran around the house frantically getting his things together for work. He always wears the same clothes every day, a pair of Levi jeans with a black pocket tee shirt and redwing boots. I stand inching closer to the front door as if it was my door to freedom.

"You leaving right now?" Dad said with a calm voice.

"Yeah I believe I will." I said with an unsure, not knowing what dad's reaction would be.

"Ok. I'll see you this evening, be home before dark."

"Ok dad, I will."

I walked outside with a purpose, I had a full belly and a girl I was wanting to impress, I still had no idea how to do it but I had to at least get to know her better.

I hear something in the distance, I believe it's Mrs. Calloways car. I walk over and hide in the bushes until her car passes. The last time she seen me walking, she stopped and offered me a ride, it was a kind gesture but I'm not really the type that wants charity or asks for help.

Later on that day I was walking to my second period class.

"Hey stranger!" Cassie said with her sweet voice

My heart drops and at first I don't turn around because I've always folded under pressure especially when it came to the opposite sex.
She reaches and places her hand on my shoulder turning me around.

"Hey Mister are you ignoring me?"

"N-no what are you talking about?" I say, knowing good and well what she meant.

"I was yelling at you and you must not have heard me." She said with her beautiful blue eyes staring into my soul.

"Oh sorry about that, what did you get into this weekend?"

"Nothing much, I just went out sight seeing. I haven't got to see a lot of the town yet and just wanted to look around." She said

"What happened to your neck?" She asked while pointing at a bruise wear dad's belt had hit me.

"Oh, nothing I fell and hit our porch banister and.."

"Rinnnngggg." The loud school bell rang.

I immediately stopped talking when the bell had rung. I don't like lying to her, she's different.
I walk down the hallway and go into my classroom. Why is she talking to me? I can't wrap my head around it. In all my fifteen years I've never had any girl talk to me as much as she has.

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