Chapter 7

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Later that day I'm laying in my bed thinking about Cassie. I felt so bad for her, both her mother and father had passed away. Who does she live with? She may be in foster care or live with a family member, there is so much that I don't know about her.
I get up and walk down to the kitchen to get something to snack on before bed, I search high and low to find that dad has bought us a dozen eggs!

"Do you want me to fry up a couple eggs for me and you dad?" I said, while retrieving the egg carton off the counter.

"Yeah, sounds good Charlie." Dad said while looking into my eyes, he never smiles.

I began to fry up the eggs, and listen to the sweet sound of a sizzle the eggs make as they hit the hot cast iron skillet.

Dad is sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. I can't really remember a time that we have actually sit down and had a conversation. Most of the time it's him correcting my behavior. One day I'll learn to act right, I figure that comes with age, I'm just not old enough yet.

When the eggs are done I prepare both plates and set dads in front of him. I walk over next to the sink to pour him a glass of milk and myself a glass of water. Milk is one thing I can't drink and everyone knows it. Most kids at school will drink the stuff, myself though, cant drink it, it will upset my stomach in a minute. Even Cassie was talking about how the milk man must hate me because I'm costing him money.

"Here you go sir." I said.

"Set it down!" Dad said with a snappy voice.


Dad has always been an impatient type of person. He works all day at the lumber meal, I figure he's just tired when he gets home.

"Well, I'm going to bed, good night dad."

Dad continues to look at the newspaper as if no words were said. I walk up the stairs that leads to my room and close my door behind me when I walk in. I lay in bed with my head covered up reading the only book that I have now, The Bible. I love to read about the guy named David, he was a small shepherd boy that everyone considered to be weak, but in the story it tells about a giant of a man named Goliath. David went and brought five stones  and a sling. He ended up conquering Goliath that day. I sometimes think I could be just like David someday.

"Tap!" Something hits the window with a sharp sound. I lay in silence thinking it may just be a bug or bird that happened to have flown into it.
Tap! The sharp sound hits my window again.

I get up, walk over to the window that leads outside and gaze into the darkness. I see a figure it looks like a woman with some sort of dress standing under the old oak tree in our front yard. I raise the window up.

"Smack!" A rock comes barreling through the air and hits me right in the forehead!

"Owww!" I say in pain while rubbing my head with my hand.

"Charlie!" The woman yells in a whispering voice.

I walk back over to the window holding my head and gaze back out looking at the figure below.


"Yeah it's me!" Cassie says with an excited voice.

I couldn't believe it, it was her!

"What are you doing?" I said with a concerned look on my face, hoping nothing was wrong.

"Can we talk?" She asked in a lovely tone.

"Dad won't let me have visitors." I said knowing if dad even suspected a visitor for me at this time of night, he would make me pay dearly for it.

She stands there with a puzzled look for a moment. She begins to walk toward the porch and starts to climb up lattice attached to our porch. She gets on the roof and walks quietly over to my window. I walk over to my room door and wedge a chair under the knob just incase dad decides to come and check on me. I climb out the window and sit next to Cassie on the porch roof.

"What's going on?" I ask with a concerned voice.

"I'm just not having a good day, I've got a lot on my mind and no one to talk to." She said with a tear running down her cheek.

"You can always talk to me." I said.

"Please don't tell anyone about what I had told you earlier Charlie. I don't like talking about mom and dad, I don't want people treating me different."

"Cassie I wouldn't tell anyone, I'm the best secret keeper." I said with a smile, looking at her.

My heart was pounding once again, Cassie had that effect on me. We both were looking up at the stars.

"Cassie I want to tell you a secret so you won't feel alone. I lost my mom when I was young. She was actually giving birth to me, from what I can gather, she was so excited. They had even decorated a whole room just for me and everything. I reckon she came down with a disease called H.E.L.L.P syndrome, dad always said it was my fault that momma passed."

"It's not your fault Charlie Anderson, sometimes we just don't know what the future holds."  Cassie said while looking into my eyes.

Her eyes are so blue.

" Sometimes I think this whole world would just be better off without me."

"Well now Charlie, I don't know about the whole world, but I'm sure glad I met you." Cassie said while leaning over and kissing my cheek.

My palms began to sweat and a feeling of anxiety came over me. I'm frozen in place like a statue that can't move.

"Goodnight Charlie." Cassie said with a smile.

"Goo-goodnight." I said with a smile on my face, trying not to trip over my own words. Watching her As she climbs down the lattice and returns to the dark from which she came.


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