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Chapter 11

After school I was waiting on Cassie, so I joined Tommy in the parking lot as he was walking to his car.

"What happened today?" I asked curiously.

"What, with Ryan? He's lucky that I didn't want to take his girl because I could have easily." Tommy stated, while standing next to his car.

"What do you mean?"

"I asked Brittany to the dance. I could tell she really wanted to go with me, but instead she told me she was going with Ryan." Tommy said braggingly as he began to open his car door and sit in the seat.

"Buddy she probably was already going with Ryan." I said helpfully.

"Man, you and I both know I could have any girl in this school if I really wanted to. He's just lucky I don't do stuff like that. If that were the case I would have never let you start dating Cassie. We both know at the river she was definitely into me."

I stood there for a minute with my fists clenched in a ball, so tight my knuckles started turning white. Anger overwhelmed my inner thoughts. The tension in the air was building.

"I'll see ya man," Tommy said while shutting his car door and driving off.

I feel like a balloon that is becoming over pressured, about to pop. How can he say that to me? Do people really believe that I am a pushover? No one will talk to me like that. NO ONE.

"Charlie!" Cassie yelled from the door of the school.

"I'm down here!" I replied

We start on our journey toward home, hand in hand. I look over at Cassie and notice her blinding beauty. Maybe she is too beautiful for me. She's also the best thing that's ever happened in my life. My life has always been a tragic tale, but I will get my happily ever after.
I notice her pace is a little faster than normal, I squeeze her hand ever so slightly, to remind her I'm falling behind.

"Something wrong Cassie?"

"No, I'm just wanting to go through the forest today. I wanna go to our spot."

"Oh okay, I can't believe Tommy and Ryan almost fought today." I said, striking up a conversation.

"I know! I was talking to Brittany and she had said that he was just jealous because Ryan is taking her to the Christmas Ball." She said in an excited voice.

"Yeah that's pretty much what I got out of it. He thinks he's God's gift to women or something."

"I know!" She exclaimed.

We came to the makeshift bridge that Tommy and I had constructed.

Cassie's beautiful smile comes over her face like the morning sun peaking over the mountain tops. She looks at me and says, "Let's try not to fall this time."

"Well the best I recall you fell and took me with you." I said jokingly.

After the bridge we walk down the trail a piece.

"There it is!" She shouted, pointing at the small tunnel of branches.

We both walk in.... the small field is just as beautiful as it was before. A small flock of robins are singing throughout the meadow.

"Charlie, I want a bench." She demands playfully.

"Well, let's see what we can do, wait right here." I replied.

I walk back out of the tunnel and begin to look around. I notice in the distance there is a rocky outcrop of stone piled up. While walking carefully over to the stone, the thought of Tommy is still burning in the back of my mind. I can't understand why he would say such a thing to me. Cassie is the best thing I've ever had happen to me and it makes me feel like Tommy believes he could just take her away at any moment.

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