Chapter 2

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"Charlie!" My dad said with a terrifying voice.

"I'm awake!"

Since I was young, dad would never let me put an alarm clock in my room. He always told me if I wasn't up at 4 am sharp every morning then I couldn't eat breakfast. I got in bed every night at 8 pm, but it still was not easy for me to wake up on time. I missed breakfast more times than I could count. He was a scary man. I was afraid of him, but I still loved him even though at times his spankings got too hard. He was still my dad, and he worked hard everyday at the lumber mill down by Mrs. Kay's store. I can still remember the smell of her homemade apple pie she would sell. I could never afford a slice but I bet it was the best tasting pie around.

"Charlie, come down here right now!"

"Ok dad!" I yelled from my bedroom.

"I'm sorry, I was awake. I was just getting dressed." I said coming into the living room where dad was waiting on me.

"When I say your name, you come right then! Is that understood?" He yelled.

"Yes, I understand." My eyes were fixed on the ground. I didn't dare to make eye contact with him, especially after the last spanking he gave me.

"Good! Now, let's go!" He dragged me out the door.

Later on when I had made it to school, I couldn't wait to see Tommy. He was my best friend. Shoot, we had been friends since kindergarten. During the summer months we didn't really talk much though, Tommy is a basketball player and a good one at that. He usually spends most of his summers at Southern Woods basketball camp. I always love to hear his stories! Tommy and his parents travel all around. His dad is Dr. Calloway, he has been our doctor in town since before I was born. His mom, Mrs. Calloway, well she's a lawyer and a good one I hear. So, they ain't hurting for money. They are good people, and would give you the shirt off there back.

"Charlie!" Tommy said as he crept up behind me.

"Don't do that Tommy! You are always trying to scare me to death!"

"How you been buddy? I ain't seen you in forever."

"I've been alright, how was basketball camp?" I asked Tommy curiously.

"Boys! The bell rung five minutes ago!" Mrs. Smith yelled from down the hall.

"Sorry, ma'am." We said in unison, smiling at each other.

Later that day after school, Tommy and I were walking to the river shoal. That's where most of us teenagers hang out, especially in the summer. We would go down there to swim,  laugh and just be teenagers. There is a huge rock that jolts up from the river floor, and it probably sticks above the water thirty foot; most call it lovers leap. Couples would climb up the giant rock and jump off together to show an act of love.

"Hey!" A voice called behind us in the distance.

I turn around and see her for the first time. A beautiful girl in a white and green sundress with long blonde hair. I note she has a smile that could be seen from miles away. My heart skips a beat.

"Beautiful." I murmured under my breath without thinking.

"Hey, there!" Tommy said with confidence.

Tommy was never one to shy away from a girl. He was a ladies man, never afraid to strike up a conversation and always full of confidence.

" Hey, I'm Cassie." The beautiful girl introduced herself.

"What brings you out here Cassie?" Tommy asked her.

"I just moved here from Mayfield, Ohio. Today at school I overheard a girl, Mindy I think was her name, say that everyone goes to the river shoal after school. She gave me directions but I believe I'm lost."

"No, no you're on the right track that's actually where we are heading." Tommy said.

"Mind if I tag along with you boys?"Cassie said with the most beautiful lips that I had ever laid my eyes on.

"Not at all." Tommy said with a twinkle in his eyes.

I knew that look. He thought she was cute, another notch in the belt he was probably thinking. I don't think she's that kind of girl though she's beautiful. We continued to walk along the way. I still hadn't said a word, I'm shy when it comes to girls. I'm not good at talking to them and I've never been.

"What's your name?" Cassie said with a light soft voice.

" I...I'm Charlie, Charlie Anderson." My voice cracked as if I needed this conversation to be any more difficult.

"Well Mr. Anderson, it's nice to meet you."

I nodded my head because I couldn't find the words to continue the conversation. My breath was taken from her soft voice, I've never seen a person with such beauty. The only problem with this is that I'm Charlie Anderson.

A nobody.

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