Chapter 8

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"What do you mean you want to experiment?" Sophie huffed, crossing her arms as she stared at Keefe.
"I mean that...maybe it'd be good for me to see how I feel about guys." Keefe said, shrugging.
"I mean...we'd have to break up for me to do that, but I still need time to think about it so we don't have to break up right now-"

"Keefe, you are telling me that you want to break up with me to see if you like guys?" Sophie raised her eyebrows.
Keefe gulped and he nodded.
"I a way, yeah..."
"I thought you loved me." Sophie said.
"I do love you!" Keefe exclaimed.
"I just...I need to figure out who I am."
Sophie scoffed and she shook her head.

"Keefe...are you trying to get back at me, for our little spat earlier?" Sophie questioned.
"What? No?" Keefe shook his head, staring at Sophie confused.
"I just...Soph, I want to figure out who I am. If I'm bisexual like Fitz, or if...I don't know! There's so many sexualities that I have no clue about and I wanna do some research and...experiment." 
"Keefe, I thought we were happy." Sophie said, taking Keefe's hands into hers and took a step forward.
Keefe looked at their hands and gulped.
"Well, I am happy-" Keefe began.
"Then why do you want to experiment with other people?" Sophie questioned, a frown on her face.
"It's not you, Soph, it's about me and...I just need to figure things out." Keefe said softly.
"Plus, I'm not breaking up with you right now so-"
"Yeah, but I know you're planning to break up with me." Sophie said.
"I mean, did Tam put you up to this?"

Keefe sort of tensed up.
"...He told me it'd be good, but I was the one who-" Keefe began.
Sophie scoffed.
"Keefe, Tam just wants you to experiment with boys so he could have you for himself." Sophie said.
"I- I mean, he probably wants you to experiment with him so he can finally kiss a guy he likes and-"
"Can you stop talking about Tam like that?" Keefe frowned.
"I mean, he doesn't like me in that way-"
"Keefe, you're oblivious." Sophie stated.

"Please, Keefe...I don't want to break up."
Sophie squeezed Keefe's hands and Keefe frowned as he felt all these negative emotions from Sophie. Keefe sighed as he leaned in and kissed Sophie's forehead.
"I still need to think about if I want to go through with this or not, okay?" Keefe said softly.
"I'm not breaking up with you now, I just wanted to let you know about this. Got it?"
Sophie bit her lower lip as she hid her face into Keefe's shoulder.
"Mmh..." Sophie hummed, clearly not happy about this.
Keefe sighed as he squeezed Sophie's hands.

They stayed like that until Biana went ahead and told them time was up.
Keefe and Sophie left the storage closet, not holding hands and Biana could feel the strange tension from them so she didn't say anything as she followed them behind back into Sophie's bedroom.
Everyone stayed silent as the couple and Biana sat back down in their seats.

"Mmh, last but not least, it's me." Biana said, reaching over for the bottle.
Biana spun the bottle.
"So...what game are we playing once Biana has had her turn?" Linh asked, looking at Sophie.
"It's a kissing game." Sophie stated.
"But, I'll explain more about it after Biana and-"
The bottle stopped and it landed on Keefe.
"-Keefe...have had their seven minutes in the closet."
Biana and Keefe looked at each other.
"Ready to spend seven minutes with me, Hunkyhair?" Biana smiled as she got up.
"I grew up with you, kind of, seven minutes is nothing!" Keefe grinned at Biana as he also got up.
The two of them interlocked arms as they left the bedroom and Sophie prepared the timer.

"So, why are you desperate to turn my boyfriend gay?" Sophie questioned, looking at Tam.
Tam blinked and he smiled slightly at Sophie.
"Turn him gay? Right, well I can't turn him gay since being gay is not a choice, and plus I think he's more bisexual than anything." Tam said, staring at Sophie who was glaring at him.
Sophie sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.
"Tam, why did you tell him to break up with me?" Sophie asked.
"Did he do it?" Dex asked, butting in.
"No-" Sophie began.
"Soph, you need to relax." Fitz said, looking at the blonde.

"I mean...seriously. Tam was giving Keefe advice, and if Keefe decides to take it it Tam's fault?"
"God, I wish you would just shut up..."
"Linh, don't scold him-"
"Oh, so you're all on his side when he's trying to steal MY boyfriend-?"

Keefe felt weird with the way Biana was staring at him, analysing him.
" why are you looking at me like that?" Keefe questioned.
Biana squinted her eyes at Keefe.
"... So are you breaking up with Sophie?" Biana asked, tilting her head.
Keefe sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Biana, I just need time to think about what I wanna do. I told Sophie I wasn't breaking up with her today, but warned her that I might to experiment with guys." Keefe said, looking at the ground.

Biana continued to stare at Keefe.
"She didn't react too well?" Biana questioned.
"She thinks Tam is trying to steal me." Keefe smiled at Biana.
"And that I shouldn't do it."
Biana raised her eyebrows.
"And what do you think?" Biana asked.
"I think that Tam is trying to help me figure out who I am and feel more comfortable in my skin." Keefe said.
"And that Sophie is crazy for thinking that Tam has a crush on me."
Biana sort of stayed silent for a moment.

"Just curious, why is it crazy for Tam to have a crush on you?" Biana asked, tilting her head.
"We've never been that close." Keefe shrugged.
"Plus, I'm pretty sure he said his type was brunettes, and last I checked? I'm blonde."
Keefe felt strange emotions from Biana, a lot of determination from her as she was trying to figure him out.
"Uh-huh." Biana nodded.

"...Why are you so curious about Tam and I?" Keefe asked, tilting his head as he squinted his eyes at Biana.
"No reason." Biana shrugged.
"You're acting really suspicious, Biana." Keefe said.
"You're acting suspicious!" Biana exclaimed, pointing a finger at Keefe.
Keefe furrowed his eyebrows.
"Wha-? How am I-?" Keefe began.

"ANYWAY!" Biana practically shouted.
"You know what we should discuss? We should discuss ways to embarrass Fitz when he's around Dex and tell Dex every little embarrassing story about Fitz when we were kids!"
Keefe sighed.
"Biana, stop trying to change the subject-" Keefe began.
"Oh! Remember that one time, uhm...when we were kids, I managed to convince you to pin Fitz to the ground so I could put make-up on him?" Biana grinned.
Keefe gasped.
"Oh I forgot about that!" Keefe exclaimed.

"Oh, he looked sooo pretty!"
"Yeah! I know!"
"Oh! How about that time when-?"


Word count: 1213

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