Chapter 24

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You wouldn't believe how wonderful things were going for Keefe and Tam.

Keefe still hasn't found a label that he's comfortable with, but he's absolutely thrilled to just love Tam and to just have Tam as his boyfriend.
Keefe was happy to go on double dates with Tam along with Fitz and Dex, sometimes they had double dates with Linh and Marella.

Tam never thought he'd get with the guy who he thought was straight, but here he was. Tam was dating Keefe, after thinking for so long that it was unrequited when apparently Keefe has always seemed to have had feelings for him too.

Things with Sophie was a little awkward for the couple, but sometimes they'd talk to Sophie due to how Biana, Linh, Fitz and Dex were still friends with Sophie. She hadn't really acted bitter towards Tam or Keefe again.

Linh was still sometimes overprotective of Tam, but Keefe got used to it. Plus, Keefe managed to find a way to get Marella to distract Linh while he would 'steal' Tam away to spend time together.

So, Tam and Keefe's relationship was thriving.
Keefe's fluttery feelings never faded. He always felt intense when he was around his boyfriend. And he knew Tam felt the exact same way, which just made Keefe's heart feel all fuzzy and warm, as cringey and cheesy as it is.

Tam felt more and more confident in their relationship the more weeks that passed and how their relationship didn't seem to not thrive. Every moment they spend together is like being on cloud nine. They were happy together. And whenever one of them were in some sort of bad mood, the other provided them with what they needed.

Keefe and Tam were perfect for one another. They understood each other.
And no matter what happened, no matter what would come their way, they'd figure things out together.

Nothing could ruin how happy they were. How perfect things finally were. How content the two of them were together.

Keefe hadn't exactly found himself, but... it wasn't important. The only thing that mattered to Keefe was being with someone who he was truly and deeply in love with. Which was the one and only, Tam Song.

So... yeah, Keefe and Tam are living their best lives together. That's it. The two boys are the happiest they had ever been, because they're together.

Everything was finally perfect.


Word count: 405

A/N: I know this feels like a sort of rushed ending. I just don't have any more ideas of what I could add to this fanfic and I feel like this is just a good moment to end it off. I did want this whole journey of Keefe exploring himself but I wasn't sure how to do it, and like I said, this felt like a good moment to just end it.
I hope this was still an enjoyable read!

The overall word count for this fanfic is 30,647 words!!

This is definitely my shortest fanfic yet, but like I said, I don't have any more ideas of what I could do for future chapters and I don't really want to go through a lot of angst in this fanfic.
Maybe one day I'll come back to this fanfic and add more but we'll see if I'll get any good ideas for it or even have the motivation.

Though, I do have a lot of other ideas for future fanfics with Kam and Fedex, and even some ships from the Riordanverse (Solangelo, Valgrace and maybe Fierrochase), so I'd suggest keeping an eye out if you're interested! :)

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