Chapter 12

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Keefe fiddled with his hands as he was making his way towards Sophie and Silveny.
Sophie was scratching Silveny's nose and smiling at the alicorn. But her attention quickly switched to Keefe.
Keefe assumed the alicorn was screaming his name to Sophie and he awkwardly smiled at Sophie as he stood by her and Silveny.

"Uh, hey..." Keefe said.
"Hey, you wanted to talk?" Sophie titled her head at Keefe.
"Yeah, uhm-"Keefe began.
Keefe nearly toppled over as Silveny nudged her nose against Keefe.
Keefe laughed softly as he looked at Silveny and scratched her nose.
"Hey Glitter Butt." Keefe said, admiring the sweet alicorn.

"Uh, C'mon. Let's head over near the house." Sophie said, gently taking Keefe's hand.
Keefe took his hand away and stepped back. Keefe felt the confused emotions from Sophie and he felt a little bad.
"Erm... I'd rather get this done with like now." Keefe said, rubbing his neck.
"Plus, I'm sure you'll erm... want Silveny's company."
Sophie looked at Keefe and she sighed.

"Are you breaking up with me? Like officially?" Sophie asked, tilting her head.
Keefe frowned.
"Sorry, I just... I feel like recently, and ever since that sleepover, my feelings for you have become more platonic, rather than romantic." Keefe said.
"And I really need to figure myself out. And that accidental kiss with Tam has been on my mind too so-"
"You're breaking up with me to be with Tam?" Sophie scoffed.
"Well... Erm... I still need to talk to him about wanting to experiment my sexuality with him but... kinda...?" Keefe shrugged.

"I don't want to hurt you, Soph. And please, don't blame Tam or bother him about this either. I just... I want us to stay friends. And I don't want to cause drama in our friend group."
Keefe stared at Sophie and felt a lot of mixed emotions from her.
"... So... friends? "
Keefe held forward his hand in a fist.
Sophie glanced at Keefe's fist and back at his face.

"Why Tam?" Sophie asked.
"Why not a random guy?"
Keefe kept his hand forward.
"... That accidental kiss with Tam sort of awakened something in me." Keefe stated.
"And I feel like since he was the one who awakened that, and since he's more knowledgeable on the whole topic about sexualities and stuff, he could really help me find myself."

Sophie crossed her arms and she looked at the ground.
"I'm not happy about you experimenting with Tam." Sophie shrugged.
"Like I said, I still need to talk to him about it." Keefe said.
"I just thought it'd be better to be honest with you than for you to accidentally find me kissing or doing something with Tam."

Sophie looked at Keefe and noticed he still had his hand out in a fist. Sophie couldn't help but smile and she took her hand, in the form of a fist and gave Keefe a fist-bump.

"Okay, we're still friends." Sophie said.
"... Good luck in finding yourself. But don't think I'm going to act super civil with Tam."
Keefe grimaced but he shrugged as he took his hand back and slipped it into his pocket.
"Well... better for us to be on good terms. You and Tam don't hang out much anyway, so I guess it's all good." Keefe smiled at Sophie.

"Seriously, I love you Foster. Just... platonically." Keefe said.
Sophie sighed.
"Yeah, yeah. Go on, get outta here. I'm guessing you're gonna talk to Tam right now?" Sophie asked.
"Gosh Foster, I'm not the one to break up with someone and instantly ask a dude to experiment with me!" Keefe gasped.
"How low do you think of me? No... I'll wait a week or so. Give you time to mourn over the loss of our relationship!"
Sophie scoffed.
"Yeah, okay. You're an idiot." Sophie sighed.

"Get outta here Sencen. I'll see you around."
Keefe looked at Sophie and he did feel an aura of... sad emotions, so he decided not to stay any longer or make any more jokes.
"Mmh, see you Soph."
Keefe grabbed his crystal for the Shores of Solace and he held it up, light-leaping away.

Well... that went better than he expected it to go.


Word count: 706

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