How You Meet

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"Your total is going to be 22.34," The young teenage girl said as she smiled up at you. You nodded your head and pulled out the money and handed it to the girl. It was almost 6pm and you decided that instead of cooking you would treat yourself to some Mexican food. You had called in advanced to place your order and now you were just picking up the food and paying.

"Have a nice night and enjoy your food," The teenage girl said as she handed your bag of food. You bid her a similar farewell and headed towards the door, before you walked out however you groaned and shook your head. It had started pouring outside, you could barely see. You had prepared yourself to run outside to your car and just drive home, you really didn't want to wait for the rain to let up. With your mind set on going to the safety of your car you quickly ran out the door while gripping the bag of food. Instantly rain started pelting down on you as you ran. You didn't know where the blonde guy came from but instantly your bodies clashed. Your bag of food dropping on the floor along with the boy and you.

"Crap, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there love," Your heart fluttered at his accent. You looked up and into the purest blue eyes you have ever seen, for a moment you forgot it was raining and that your dinner was sprawled out all over the floor. The irish bloke quickly grabbed your hand and brought you up along with him and lead you under the restaurants shelter.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you and now look at us and your food," He started to rant out apologies. It wasn't really his fault so you didn't mind at all.

"Let me make it up to you, let me buy you dinner," He said.

"It's alright, you don't have too-"

"But I insist, I'm Niall by the way," He grinned showing off his perfect teeth.

You smiled slightly at the guy "Well, okay if you insist. I'm [Y/N]"


Niall Horan Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now