Personal For Kris

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The sound of gravel hitting under the car was the only thing you could concentrate on. Other than the sound Niall's humming and tapping along to the song on the radio. You were twiddling your fingers, letting the nerves overtake all of your thinking.

It was the first time you were meeting his family.

You had heard all the stories from the memories he had held with him his mum and sister, even with his stepfather. You knew that he was close to them, always in contact with them when he had the time. You knew that he was a mumma's boy and that made it more important that you made a good impression on his mum.

"Babe, it's going to be alright," you heard him say before feeling his hand take one of your own. You tensed for a second, practically cutting off his circulation before looking up to meet his bright blue eyes.

"Are you sure about that? What if I make a wrong impression? What if they don't like me?" All the questions that you had been swirling in your head had flown right out of your mouth at that point without even realising

"Trust me, princess. They will adore you," he said smoothly, pulling your hand up along with his to give it a kiss.

The rest of the ride, which wasn't very long, had been spent in more silence. The nerves were still fluttering around inside of you, yet they had easily gotten better. Niall had announced that the two of you were close to his home and you had sat right up in your seat. You had pulled down the visor mirror and checked yourself over as he parked in front of the home that his mother and father occupied.

"I'll help you out," he said, giving your hand a squeeze before getting out of the car. In the time that he had spent walking around the car, you had taken a couple of deep breaths. A smile appeared on your face as he opened the car, letting out a hand for you to take.

"You'll be fine," he whispered in your ear as he led you up the walk way. The both of you were almost to the door and your hands were sweating along with your heavily beating heart. He was so close to ringing the doorbell when the door was flown open and a beautiful blonde woman opened the door.

"My boy!" she smiled, raising her arms for a hug. He obliged to her open arms and hugged his mum before pulling back with a huge smile on his face. "Oh my," she started, meeting your eyes.

"Mum, this is Kris. My girlfriend," he said, placing his hand on your back and comforting your nerves. She had stood with a smile, studying you for a second before breaking her trance.

"It's so lovely to meet you," she gushed, leaning in and pulling you into a hug. A bone crushing hug. You tensed, again, for a second before realizing that she was greeting you so politely.

"It's lovely to meet you as well," you smiled, pulling away and cowering back into Niall's embrace. She had smiled again, looking Niall then you.

"Come on in," she said, moving aside and letting the both of you through. His hand had remained at your back as he led you inside and over to his living room. "Bobby should be off of work soon and Greg ran to the grocer's right quick, so she should be here soon. Please make yourselves comfortable."

The both of you sat down and then she started to ask you different things, wanting to get to know you better.

Laughter, a happy type of laughter, was heard all around the table as the five of you had dinner. His mum and dad being at the heads of the table while you sat right next to Niall, right across from his sister. Your nerves had completely disappeared at this point. You had learned a lot about baby Niall in the time that the two of you had arrived up until that very moment. His mother enjoyed telling you about all his antics growing up and his brother, well he liked to tell the very embarrassing things she had one him.

You had loved this night, you had loved his family. Meeting them was far from what you were expecting and you had internally scolded yourself. You knew how nice and genuine he was, you should've known that his family would have been the exact same way.

"We're very glad we got to meet you, darling," Marua said, looking over at you with a smile on her face. "You're just the right girl for that boy right there."

Niall Horan Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now