He Finds Something Dark From Your Past

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Everybody knew Niall was a big eater, and you knew first hand at how much that boy could really put away and you could always joke about it with him. What he didn't know was that you used to be severely underweight due to the anorexia. You had finally got over it, being with Niall and all, but a little part of you still told you that you were fat. The fans didn't help with it either, but Niall always told you that you were beautiful. One night, Niall had decided to make you dinner. You offered to help, but he told you that his princess need a break and he wanted to take care of you. You smiled at the thought as he shooed you into the living room to watch TV while he cooked. About 45 minutes later, Niall called you to the dining room and when you walked in, al large display of food was set out on the table. Inside, you were panicking, but you put on a smile for Niall. You had to admit, it smelled delicious. As you sat down, Niall started to scoop food onto his plate, but you took only a bit. Niall noticed this and stopped. He looked at you, a slight hint of worry in his eyes. "(Y/N), why aren't you eating?" You looked up and then looked back down at your hands. "I, uh, I'm not really hungry..." you said, just above a whisper. "Come on, you haven't eaten anything today, surely you must be hungry." "I'm not Niall," you said a little more sternly. Why were you getting mad? This wasn't his fault. "I'm sorry Niall, I didn't mean it like that," you said, your voice dropping back to its quiet tone. "Baby, don't cry." You hadn't even realized you were crying. You used your sleeve to wipe the tears. When you looked up, Niall was kneeling in front of you, worry now clearly visible on his face. "Niall, if I tell you something, promise you won't be mad?" "Of course, princess. I promise." You launched into your story about you past and the whole time, Niall was listening intently. When you finished, Niall had tears streaming down his face. He didn't say anything, he just placed a gentle but passionate kiss of your lips. "Babe, how could you think I'd get mad? I'm far from it. In fact, I'm glad you told me because if you hadn't, it could have gotten worse... you wouldn't want that would you?" Niall said with a sympathetic smile. You shook your head and managed a small smile. Niall picked you up in his arms and carried you over to his chair, where he sat you on his lap and you took turns feeding each other. You knew now, this would be easier to overcome.


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