I Miss This

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He felt you stir on his chest, your hair tickling at his shoulder and your nose nuzzling into his neck. Just below his jawline. He'd been awake for nearly an hour, his eyes trained to how you cuddled into his bare body. His arm wrapped loosely around your waist, underneath your body. Your hair smelled of the shampoo you lathered your hair with, just the night before, and your body smelled like your body wash. The intoxicating smell that had Niall weak at the knees.

A sleepy smile was etched on his lips, his pale cheeks flushed a bright pink as he caught you looking at him.

"How long have you been up, mister?" You whispered, your fore finger dancing circles at the dip in the middle of his chest. Your cheek pressed against his collarbone, your warm lips pressing to the skin at his neck.

"An hour, maybe? I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just watched you. Not as creepy as it may sound.." He chuckled, as he dug the heel of his free hand into his eye. Rubbing away at the sleepiness lingering. You raised an eyebrow, looking up at him as he smiled softly at you. "You're very beautiful when you sleep, baby. I wasn't being creepy.."

You giggled softly, your breath fanning over his bare chest. Goosebumps rising on his arms. You closed your eyes again, your nose taking in the faint smell of his cologne sprayed on his body from yesterday. "I know, babe" You whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. The slight stubble tickling at your lips. "You need a shave, Ni. Your cheeks tickle my lips when I kiss you" You giggled, feeling his presence hover over you. His hands holding his up above you.

"I don't want to shave it... I'm thinking of growing out a full beard. Look a bit like Liam or Zayn" He teased, as your hooked your legs around his waist. The hems of his loose boxers tickling the inside of your things, just below the hem of your knickers. "I want to look like a man" He winked, ducking his head down and sponging kisses to your jaw.

"Hmm.. You are a man, Horan. I mean, I've known that for 4 years. You think I don't see what you have nestled between your thighs?" You giggled, latching your arms around his neck. Your fingers raking through his blonde hair, pulling lightly at the tufts.

"That was naughty, missy. I think you should wash that dirty mouth of yours.." He chuckled, tapping at your nose lightly. "I'm going for a bath. My knee is playing up again. It keeps cramping. Would you care to join me, baby?"

"I would love that, very much so, Mr Horan" You smiled, running your thumbs over his cheeks.

* *

Your fingers danced over the scar on his knee. The bumpy yet smooth skin running under your fingertips. The smell of your vanilla bath bomb made the room feel fresh and smell divine. You were lodged between his legs, facing him, your feet resting at his hips. His arms were placed either side of the tub, his legs running straight down beside you. Encasing you between them.

"Ya'know.. I miss this" He muttered, as you leant back against the curve of the tub, dunking down to your neck.

"You miss what?"

"I miss being here. Tour takes up so much of my time, I feel I never get to see you anymore. I see you for 5 months a year, yet sometimes my time is always divided between tour, the boys and you. And I feel I let you down" He sighed, as you reached forward, the water sloshing around you, as you touched his hand. Your fingers lacing with his. "I miss having these baths with you. I miss showering you. Heck, I even miss going to the store for you, when you need pads and tampons and chocolate. I feel I can't be a good boyfriend" He muttered, as you reached for his other hand, lacing your fingers together. You pulled yourself closer to him, giving is hands a squeeze.

"You," you started, placing your hands on his soapy chest, "you, Mr Horan, are an incredible boyfriend. Need I remind you of the roses and the chocolate boxes you send me when I text you how I'm feeling? Need I remind you of the sweet messages I wake up to before I leave for work, and the funny voicemails or voice messages you leave me?" You giggled, pressing kisses to his neck.

"I do that to make you happy... I love hearing your giggles and the smile on your lips are the best thing I see on a daily basis. Babe, I love you. I adore you, so much" He smiled, his hands cupping your thighs, patting them lightly. "Stand up a second?"

You followed his orders, standing up, the cool air giving you goosebumps. The soap and water dripping down your body as he straightened his legs out, patting his thighs.

"Uhm.. I don't want sex in the tub, Horan. You tired me out last night, ya'know?" You giggled, as he shook his head. A smirk on his lips. "I'm serious, Niall. As much as I love you, I feel I cant keep having sex everyday" You sighed, as he bent his knees up.

"Just sit... I do not want sex today. Maybe later... But for now, I just want a bathtub snuggle with my girlfriend. Can't we do that?" He smiled, as he watched you settle down on his stomach. Your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms resting on his shoulder.

* *

You sat up on the counter top, your legs kicking out as you watched him place the chicken strips in a sandwich. His hair was still bed-messed, and his brown locks were starting to become more prominent against his blonde hair.

"This sight is one I love seeing, Ni. Cooking Niall Horan. Something not everyone can see on a daily basis" You grinned, poking your toe to his hip. The waistband of his white Calvin Klein's showing from under his grey sweatpants. "I think, if One Direction ends soon, you should go into being a cook. It's a very good sight to see" You winked, snatching a piece of chicken from his sandwich.

"Excuse me... I won't make you food in a minute, if you keep stealing mine" He smirked, as he placed the other slice of bread on top of the slice he was working on. He maneuvered around your leg, placing his hands on your thighs, as he nestled between your legs. The faint smell of the vanilla bath bomb still on your skin. "I love you, sugar" He whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours.

"I love you so much..."

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