Chapter 1

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      Leah was super excited about the mystery trip her dad was planning. She thought they were going to France, a country she always wanted to go to. She ran downstairs to see her dad all packed up and ready to go. 

"I'm ready for France!" She said enthusiastically.

 "France?" her dad asked. "I never said we were going to France". 

"Where are we going then Dad?" asked Leah, now clutching her brand-new barrette.

 "To America to visit some family friends!" Her dad responded, "Better not to waste any time, we don't want to miss our flight now do we?" Her dad asked. 

Leah gaped at her dad. "Would I need to transfer to a new school?" she asked nervously.

 "Of course, not Leah, it's only for the summer" Her dad reassured her. 

Leah stood up, grabbed her suitcase, and sulked out the door. When she got into the run-down Jeep. She stared out the window briefly before asking her dad a question. 

"Dad, do I even know these people?" she asked, annoyed.

"Nope. They're my buddies from middle school" Leah's dad stated.

        Not very impressed, Leah dropped the subject. By the time they got to the Airport, the sun was just starting to rise. Her dad rushed her through, encouraging her to arrive at the destination. Leah was still very underwhelmed about the whole thing. As they got on the plane, Leah looked out the window, wishing they would just go to France, but no, she just had to go to America where people had strange accents and were violent. The flight attendant gave her a bag of peanuts and ignored her for the rest of the flight. 

"Dad, where in the U.S. are we even going" Leah asked, 

"Oh New York" He responded. 

"New York?" Leah asked, stunned. 

"Yes, why do you ask?" He questioned. 

"Isn't everyone there, like insane?" Leah questioned.

Leah's dad looked very unhappy with her, "Don't say that I was born and raised in New York and I'm not insane".

"Yeah well you lived the U.K. long enough to hopefully get the American out of your system". 

"I promise you it's still there Hun, but I promise, you're going to be fine".

Well, how do you know that Leah thought to herself. The plane was in the air for about 8 hours before the plane landed at the airport. Leah and her dad got their stuff from baggage claim and hopped in a Taxi to the Upper East Side.

When they got to the house Leah was tired and confused. Her dad knocked on the door and a semi-taller woman with Cream blonde hair and misty blue eyes opened the door.

 "Ah great to see you guys, please come inside!" The woman stepped out of the way to let them in.

 Leah looked around the apartment, it wasn't very small, that's for sure. Leah stared at the woman and wondered who she was. 

"Don't you have some kids of your own?" Leah's dad asked. 

"Oh yes, two actually but one is out with her friends, and the other is upstairs" The woman stated, "Oh Kalley, come downstairs we have guests"!

The girl who came downstairs looked nothing like her mother. For starters, she had bright, Copper-red hair that was cut short. She was a good 5 inches taller than Leah and she had grayish-blue eyes with freckles across her nose. 

"Who are these people?" The girl asked.

"This is my friend from middle school, and this is his daughter, why don't you two go up to your room."

"Fine, come on," The girl yelled before walking back upstairs "So what's your name?" The girl asked.

Leah had to run up the stairs to catch up with the girl. "Um, my name is Leah, what's yours?" Leah asked.

"Kalley," she said bluntly "Also why do you sound so weird?" She asked.

 "I'm from Britain, well more specifically London" Leah said.

"Ah, I see," Kalley said. 

When they walked into her room, it looked like she had taken the grand bedroom, but somehow it wasn't. Her bed was a full-sized bed with blankets all over it. She also has a bookshelf full of books and drawing stuff.

"Wow this is huge," Leah said with excitement.

"Meh, it's only the old guest room," Kalley said, walking over to a bag.

"What's that for?" Leah asked.

"I have to pack for a camp I go to," Kalley said, with a spark of joy in her voice.

"What type of camp is it" Leah asked.

"It's a special camp for kids like me" Kalley stated, grabbing some crackers, or at least Leah thought they were crackers, and a thermos, along with a knife she took out of the drawer. It was a sharp bronze knife that glowed in the sun. Leah only got to see it for a short minute before Kalley stuffed it in her bag.

"Sorry but is that a knife?" asked Leah in a nervous voice.

Kalley looked at Leah a little confused before answering "Um, yes, it's for hunting," Kalley said nonchalantly. 

Soon Kalley finished filling her bag and stood up. She slung the bag over her shoulder and walked down the stairs.

"Mom, should I head to camp?" Kalley asked.

Leah was confused about what this camp was, because she never called it by name, only 'Camp' or 'A camp for people like me'. Leah wondered what she meant by that, but she kept her mouth shut.

"Probably, but you should bring Leah Hun," Her mum answered. 

"Are you sure Leah can even enter?" Kalley questioned.

This confused Leah even more, like why wouldn't she be able to enter. Maybe you need proper identification, Leah thought.

"Yes, I'm sure Honey" Kalley's mum answered, "I bet she can"

"Ugh fine," Kalley said, as if she didn't want Leah there, "Let's go" Kalley stated before pulling Leah out the door.

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