Chapter 11

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After a while of running, they stopped in a clearing far away from the accident. They all agreed they should stop and set up camp, but something kept bothering Kalley. What the hell was that light Leah made? She couldn't stop thinking about it, but at the same time she knew it wasn't her biggest concern.

"So much for just taking the train to Maine," Jeremiah said, while trying to start a fire.

"Stupid griffins," Kalley mumbled, "They destroyed a ton of our stuff".

"Well maybe we can all get some sleep," Leah suggested.

"After eating of course," Jeremiah said, throwing Kalley and Leah each a bag of chips.

"But why though, why did they come after us," Kalley questioned.

"Maybe they're working for that monster in Leah's dream," Jeremiah suggested

"Maybe," Kalley said.

"But what was that light?" Jeremiah asked, looking at Leah.

Kalley sighed, glad she wasn't the only one who was wondering that.

"I don't know," Leah told them, unsurely, "Probably just some child of Hecate stuff".

"Could be," Kalley said, "I mean you're the first child of Hecate I've hung out with to be frank".

"Maybe you could practice with it more once we get back to camp," Jeremiah suggested.

"That would be useful," Leah told Jeremiah.

Kalley quickly stood up and unsheathed her knife, "Look around guys, something or someone is here," She said.

"What the Styx!" Jeremiah said, pulling out his Katanna.

As Kalley looked around, she kept seeing shadows moving around. They shadows looked humanoid, but she wasn't 100% sure.

"Maybe it's the hunters?" Leah suggested.

"Why would they be surrounding us though, it's not like we're attacking them," Kalley pointed out.

"Come out and fight us you punks," Jeremiah shouted, in true child of ares fashion.

Slowly, a group of humanoid figures walked out. They were taller than most normal humans, and had 1 big eye in the center of their face, Cyclopes.

"Oh young heroes, come to your doom?" The left one asked.

"Once we are done with you, you will regret leaving your camp," The right one continued.

"And then we will overrun your camp!" The middle one finished.

"In your wildest dreams," Kalley said, pointing her knife at the middle cyclopes.

"Oh! Do we have a brave one here?" The middle one laughed.

As soon as he said that, Kalley lunged forward and slashed at the right cyclopes, turning it to dust. She then looked back at the middle one, "Yeah, yo do," She told him.

The middle one stared at Kalley angrily, "You attack me?" He asked, shocked.

"Yes, that's what we do to monsters who try to attack us," Jeremiah told them.

Kalley looked back at Leah, who was reaching for her pocket, but just then a club hurled right towards her.

"Look out!" Kalley shouted at Leah.

The club barely missed Leah's head, but she immediately got up, and grabbed something from her pocket, but Kalley couldn't wait for Leah to act.The middle Cyclopes held a spiked club in his hands, with the left one holding a normal one. It seemed they had thrown the right cyclopes club at Leah, which made Kalley angrier.

"You're turn," The middle one said, pushing the left one towards them.

He looked younger than the rest, and he looked scared. Kalley almost felt sorry for him until he yelled, "Vive la révolution!" and ran towards her.

"The hell," Kalley shouted, jumping out of the way of the cyclopes.

"No fair! You're not supposed to move!" Lefty yelled.

"Real fights and training fights are very different, kid," Kalley said, grabbing her bow.

"Why do you need that," Leah asked Kalley.

"Take this!" Kalley shoved her knife into Leah's hands, "Use this"

Leah looked at the knife, and nodded nervously. Kalley nodded back and nocked an arrow, pointing it at the middle one's eye, while Jeremiah held Lefty with a knife to his throat.

"Leave us alone or he gets it," Jeremiah told him.

"Kill him all you want, We have unbeatable army!" Middle said proudly.

"Fine then," Jeremiah said, slashing Lefty's neck letting him crumble to dust.

Kalley kept the arrow pointed straight at Middle as he lunged. But before Kalley could fire, Leah quickly stepped in and slashed Middle in the stomach.

He looked at Leah angrily while he crumbled away, "When I come back, I will find you and," But he was fully gone before he could finish.

"Wow Leah! That was so cool!" Jeremiah said.

But Leah didn't look very impressed with herself. She shoved the knife back into Kalley's hands, and just stared at the group, "What happened"?

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