Chapter 5

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Leah stared in shock, before running off into the woods.

"WAIT" Kalley yelled, before running after her.

When Kalley found Leah, she was sitting at the base of the tree with fear in her eyes, while she was shaking.

"Are you alright?" Kalley asked, with hints of concern in her voice, "You seemed pretty shaken up back there."

"I-I'm all good," Leah stammered.

She was not good.

She didn't want to tell Kalley about her life back in Britain. What if Kalley thought she was insane. She didn't want to be labeled as insane, and plus it probably is safe to tell her Leah thought.

"Well, it's probably best that we get you out of here, a lot of monsters roam these woods," Kalley explained, "And we need to get you moved into your new cabin!"

"O-oh alright," Leah said while standing up, "Where's my new cabin?" She asked, while looking around.

"It's over by the Dionysus cabin," Kalley said while walking back, "about 8-9 kids, not counting you, live there."

"I see" Leah responded, still pretty shaken up about her mother being the goddess of magic and all.

When they got to the Hermes cabin to collect Leah's few things, to Leah's surprise, Connor was waiting for them at the door.

"Hey Leah, I just wanted to say sorry for how Travis was acting back there" Connor started, "And I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses for him, but he's kind of right, most demi-gods who thought the way you do, ended up dying horrific deaths, or they started to change their mind set."

"It's okay Connor, you don't need to apologize for his actions" Leah said.

"Well, your stuff is on your bed, and hopefully I'll see you around camp" Connor said jokingly.

Yeah, he's my favorite of the two, Leah decided.

"Thank you, Connor," Leah said happily, before going into the cabin to grab her stuff.

"Well, I'll see you around Connor" Leah said when she was done collecting her bags.

"I'll see you around too Leah, and remember," Connor started, "Always watch your back" They both said in unison.

Leah had started to enjoy the Hermes cabin, but all good things must come to an end,  Leah though. After that conversation, Kalley and Leah walked over to the Hecate cabin.

"Are my siblings nice?" Leah asked.

"I don't know to be honest, I don't really talk to them" Kalley said, as they entered the cabin.

"Who's this?" A girl with deep brown hair, and stormy green eyes asked.

"This is your new sister, Leah!" Kalley introduced Leah "I'll let you guys get to know each other," Kalley said before walking off.

"Um, Hi," Leah said nervously.

"Nice to meet you," The stormy eyed girl said, "I'm Allison!"

"Well, it's nice to meet you Allison," Leah said, "Who's that?" Leah asked while pointing at a boy with, maroon, red hair.

"Oh, that's Anthony," Allison said, "He's the old head counselor."

"The old head counselor?" Leah asked, very confused.

"Chiron took away the title, and gave it to me, after he blinded a Demeter kid with a poisoned flower" Allison explained.

Leah looked over at Anthony with concern in her eyes "So stay away from him, got it," Leah mumbled to herself.

"Well, take a bunk, just not next to Anthony if you like your sanity," Allison warned, "I'll see you around" she said before walking out of the cabin.

As Leah looked around, she thought the cabin felt too empty. There were only about 8 kids, minus Leah. It just felt so empty compared to the chaos of the Hermes cabin, but she could hopefully get a full night's rest now. So, she walked over to an unclaimed bunk and set her stuff down, hoping she would like her new siblings.

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