Chapter 8

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Kalley paced through the living room in the big house wondering what could've happened to Leah's dad.

Maybe he got sick, or lost somewhere, Kalley thought, trying to think of better and safer possibilities for Leah's dad.

After a bit of pacing, Leah busted through the front door of the Big house.

"Rachael passed out," Leah said frantically.

"That's normal for her after she gives a Prophecy," Chiron responded calmly, "So, don't keep us waiting, what did she say?"

"She said um, You shall go north and find what you wish" Leah started, "Secrets revealed, with a swish".

Leah seemed to stop with fear after saying that line, which confused Kalley.

"Poison droplets, deep and green," Leah continued nervously, "With worlds colliding, right at the seams," She finished.

Kalley stopped pacing after she heard the poison, she didn't want anyone to get hurt on quest, let alone poisoned, "Is that all?" She asked

Leah nodded uncomfortably

"Well as our quest leader, you must pick 2 companions," Chiron said calmly.

"Only two?" Leah repeated confused.

"Yes, for 3 is the sacred number for the gods," Chiron explained as if it was common knowledge.

"Well alright, I pick Kalley, and Jeremiah," Leah said confidently.

"Jeremiah?" Kalley repeated, bewildered, "Have you even talked to him?"

"Well, not much but, he's your friend and from what I've heard a good fighter," Leah explained, "And that sounds like it could be pretty useful on this quest."

"That's fair," Kalley responded.

"Well then, I will go inform Jeremiah he has been chosen for this quest," Chiron said before walking out of the big house.

* * *

"Whatcha got there?" Kalley asked, walking into Leah's cabin.

"Um, $200, and some gal- gold coins!" Leah stumbled out.

"They're called Drachmas, they're used to pay for things in the mythological world, and the regular dollars for the mortal world." Kalley explained.

"Well that helps," Leah replied.

"Okay?" Kalley was a little suspicious of Leah, but she tried to let it go, "Are you packed for the quest?" She asked.

"We have to pack?" Leah confusedly asked.

"Um, Yes?" Kalley responded, "They only supply us with money, we need to pack our own food, cloths, weapons, medical supplies, etc,"

"We need to bring weapons?" Leah asked worriedly.

"Yeah, to fight off monsters," Kalley explained calmly.

"What if I don't want to fight?" Leah questioned hopefully.

"Me and Jeremiah could probably fend them off, but you should bring a weapon just in case" Kalley told Leah.

"But fighting is bad!" Leah insisted.

Well I don't want you getting eaten girl, Kalley thought "Well, take one just in case. They can be used for more than killing you know."

"Like what?"

"Cutting plants that are in your way"

"Touché" Leah said, dropping the subject.

"Well, you better get packing, the van leaves in 2 hours so I'll you then," Kalley said before walking out of Leah's cabin to go do her own packing.

"I'm so pumped for this quest," Kalley overheard Jeremiah say to another Ares kid, "I'm finally gonna be able to test out my skills, I can make my dad proud!"

He sounded so excited, and Kalley was happy for him. Ares wasn't easy to impress, but Kalley was confident Jeremiah could do it. Leah came out with her suitcase completely packed.

"I'm all packed." Leah said, still seeming nervous.

"That's great," Kalley replied, "Did you bring a weapon like I told you?" She questioned Leah, guessing the answer would be 'no'.

"You could say that." Leah says, as if she's keeping something from them. "Anyways, I have a good place we can start."

"And where's that?" Kalley asked.

Before Leah could answer her, Jeremiah ran up., pumped for the quest, "I'm all ready to go," Jeremiah said, with his Celestial bronze katana half out of his bag.

"You might want to sheath that," Kalley pointed out the sword.

"Nah, the mist will cover it up, make it seem like I have a skateboard or something," Jeremiah protested.

"Ugh, fine. Well we should get going, Argus is probably waiting," Kalley said, before bolting it over to the big house.

* * *

When Leah and Jeremiah got up the hill, Leah seemed nervous, unlike Jeremiah who seemed like he'd been waiting his whole life for this.

"Who's that?" Leah whispered to Kalley nervously.

"Oh, that's Argus!" Kalley answered.

"Why is he just eyes?" Leah asked confusedly.

"I don't know, ask Hera, she made him," Kalley suggested, "Also you said earlier you know where to start?"

"Oh, yes! I was thinking we would check where we last saw him," Leah suggested.

"Makes sense, where did you guys last see him," Jeremiah asked.

"At Kalley's house!" Leah told him.

"And where is that?" Jeremiah continued asking.

"The Upper East Side," Kalley answered, "Now let's get in before Argus gets mad".

* * *

Once they got to Kalley's apartment, she called out for her mom but got no response. Weird. They all looked around the apartment, trying to see if it was ransacked for something. Scarily, it wasn't. Another scary thing was they couldn't find Kalley's mom.

"That's weird, normally when people break in, they leave a mess," Jeremiah commented from the kitchen.

"Maybe they were a clean criminal," Kalley joked back.

"Well I'm the cleanest criminal," Jeremiah said proudly.

"What is wrong with you two," Leah chimed him.

"Nothing!" Jeremiah joyfully responded.

"You two concern me," Leah admitted.

"We concern everyone," Kalley told her, "It's not that hard".

"Fair," Leah said.

As they looked around more, it finally dawned on Kalley, "The reason we can't find my mom is because she's also been taken by that monster".

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