Chapter 9

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Jeremiah was a little embarrassed he didn't think of that first, but it wouldn't have made anything better.

"So, both of your parents are missing, they were probably taken by the same person," Jeremiah pointed out.

"Once I find who ever to them, I'm gonna ripe their fucking head off," Kalley said angerly, "We need to go north to find them, if they aren't here".

"Well how are we gonna pay for it, we only have $200 between the 3 of us, and that's definitely not enough for 3 train tickets, or 3 plane tickets," Jeremiah pointed out.

"That's a major problem," Leah said.

Yeah, no shit Jeremiah thought, "Where else could we look though?"

"All the prophecy said was 'you shall go north' and that's our only basis for direction," Kalley explained.

"Lovely," Jeremiah said, trying to keep calm.

"Well, since we're here, we could take some stuff for the quest," Kalley suggested.

"But that's stealing!" Leah pointed out, frantically.

"Don't think of it as stealing, think of it as borrowing, permanently," Jeremiah told her.

"And it'll be really useful to have more food, and medical supplies," Kalley explained

"You guys can grab them, I don't want to be charged with theft," Leah told them.

"You won't because this is my stuff," Kalley said, walking into the bathroom.

After fully looting all of the medicine, portable food, and drinks from Kalley's apartment, did they only then realize how late it was. The sun was setting over the New York skyline.

"Maybe we should stay the night here before we head off," Kalley told them.

"What about my dad?" Leah asked, worriedly.

"Again, he can wait, and maybe one of us will have a dream that can tell us some more information," Kalley told Leah.

"Fine, but where would we even sleep," Leah asked.

Kalley shrugged, "I don't know, anywhere that isn't my bed", and with that Kalley went upstairs to sleep.

"Well I'm not tired," Jeremiah announced, "I'm gonna steal some more of Kalley's food before we leave tomorrow".

"Why are you like this," Leah asked.

"Because I'm great," Jeremiah said, walking into the kitchen.


Leah's dream started off the same as the others, in the weird cave. She walked into the room where the monster had been trying to get a closer look at it. As she walked closer she saw it's silhouette. It had a mane of hair, like a Lions, but with the tail of a scorpion. He had a long dark trench coat, and scars all along his arms. He was about 6'2 and spoke with a raspy French accent.

"Hello Young hero, I see you seek me," The monster greeted.

"I will get my dad back, and Kalley's mom," Leah said, surprised her voice worked.

"Oh, that is your plan, little one? Then be my guest I'll be waiting," The monster said, coldly.

"Don't underestimate what I can do," leah threatened.

"Oh we'll see," He said before waving his hand and the dream dissolved.


That morning, Jeremiah was the first up, at the very normal time of 4:30 a.m. When the others got up, they looked very tired, and Jeremiah just didn't know why.

"We should probably get going," Kalley said, putting a few extra drinks in their bag, "We've already wasted one day".

"But we still don't know how we're gonna get around," Leah mentioned.

"I took some of my mom's money," Kalley told the group, holding up about 400 extra dollars.

"With that we can probably buy 3 train tickets," Jeremiah said.

"But to where?" Leah asked.

"Maine," Kalley said, abruptly.

Jeremiah looked at Kalley with confusion, "What?"

"We need to go to Maine," She said, "I just have a feeling that the monster is there.''

"Well, alright!" Jeremiah said, "To Maine we go".

(A/N Sorry this is so short)

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