Chapter 2

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       Why did she insist on bringing Leah, Kalley pondered. Kalley wasn't even sure if Leah was a half-blood, she looked pretty normal with her Honey blonde hair and green eyes, and if she was a half-blood why hadn't a Saytr found her sooner, but Kalley didn't have much time to think before a Greyhound bus came and picked them up.

"So, what's this camp about" Leah asked, "And what do you mean by 'Kids like you.'"

"It's for a special type of kid, you'll see once we get there" Kalley responded. She felt tense and had her hands by her bags at all times.

"And see if my mom was right," Kalley muttered under her breath.

Once they got off the bus Kalley sighed in relief there were no monster attacks. Soon, it was just Kalley and Leah walking up to the crest of half-blood hill. It looked the same as Kalley remembered. Peleus the Dragon wrapped around Thaila's pine tree, where on its lowest brow the Golden Fleece was hung, keeping the camp border safe from all monsters. Kalley looked at the camp, ready to go see her friends again before she remembered Leah was there.

"I guess this is where we see if you can enter the camp," Kalley said, unsure if this would work.

Leah took a deep breath and walked across the border with ease. A chill went down Kalley's spine when she saw this, but she too walked across the border.

"You still owe me an explanation Kalley" Leah stated, "and I would like one soon" She added.

"Ya that, well" Kalley really didn't want to answer, she still wasn't fully convinced, yes, she could cross the border but what if Leah thought she was insane? Kalley just ignored the question and walked down to the big house. She walked right past it, trying to ignore Mr.D, the camp dictator, and made her way down to the Apollo cabin and stashed away her stuff. Leah stood a bit away from Kalley's cabin, waiting.

"I'm still awaiting an explanation, Kalley," Leah said expectantly when Kalley got over to her.

"Um, so welcome to camp half-blood?" Kalley said, unsure what else to say.

"Err- camp? What do you mean camp?"

"It's a camp for Half-bloods, and since you crossed the border" Kalley stopped and mumbled "So you must be a half-blood."

"A what?" Leah asked, nervously, as if she were hiding something.

"Um, a half-blood, or the official term is a Demi-god."

Leah sighed in relief. Kalley was confused at why she was so relieved, but she didn't push it.

"Since you're here at camp now, you'll probably be staying in the Hermes cabin," Kalley said, trying to change the subject "Since he's the god of travelers, he takes in all unclaimed demi-gods."

"Unclaimed? What does that mean?" Leah asked confusingly.

"It means your parent hasn't claimed you," Kalley said, "They tend to claim their kids when they're 13 or 14."

"But my dad claimed me! When I was born!" Leah remarked, confused and slightly upset.

"Then your parent must be a woman, so that crosses out all the male gods" Kalley started to talk to herself throwing out a bunch of names, she wasn't 100% sure Leah knew.

"How many male gods are there?" Leah asked, still confused, but less upset.

"Several, anyway, you should probably introduce yourself to Chiron he's up at the big house or the archery range," Kalley said.

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