Chapter 14

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The group kept walking for another few hours until the sun started to set.

"Looks like dad is done for the day," Kalley thought aloud.

"What?" Leah asked.

"Apollo is the god of the sun, so he controls its movement around the Earth," Kalley explained.

"That makes 0 sense," Leah told Kalley.

"Most of the stuff in the mythic world doesn't," Kalley admitted.

The group kept walking, until Kalley started to see some snake-like things, similarly to how Leah describes them. Kalley started to move her hand closer to her dragger.

"I think I see them," Kalley whispered to Leah.

"Oh that god, I'm not the only one seeing them," Leah whispered back.

"But what are they?" Kalley whispered.

"I don't know, you're the person who's been in this world the longest," Leah said.

"It would be better if I actually could see them," Kalley admitted.

As if on cue, two dracaena slithered out of the woods, one with a spear, the other with an electric net.

"Oh, what the fuck," Jeremiah said, pulling his katana out of his bag.

"Itssss not worth fighting demi-godssss, we ssshall dessstory you," The left one hissed.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what you all say," Kalley called out.

"We'll send you right back to Tartarus, where you belong," Jeremiah threatened.

"In your wildesssst dreamsssss," The left one responded.

With that, the left one lunged at Kalley with her spear but Kalley rolled right out of the way, barely. The right one jumped at Jeremiah with her net in hand. Jeremiah tried to cut it with his Katana but it just sent an electric shock up his arm.

"FUCK," Jeremiah shouted.

"You have met your match demi-god," The right one teased.

"Yeah right," Jeremiah said, kicking the dracaena away.

Jeremiah then slashed at the dracaena's arm, but he missed barely. Kalley was still dodging the spears swipes from the first dracaena, whilst also trying to stab it with her dragger. Kalley looked back at Leah who was standing there, not sure of what to do.

"Hey Leah, yeah know that thing you did with the griffins back on the train?" Kalley yelled out to Leah.

"Um yeah?" Leah responded.

"Right now would be a pretty useful time to do that again," Kalley told her.

"Oh, right," Leah said, reaching into her pocket.

Kalley then turned her attention back to the first dracaena, swiping at its arm. Then Kalley heard Leah's voice, all she was able to hear was expect- before hitting her head on a rock and passing out.

When Kalley awoke she was in a weird cave with spikes everywhere, she also saw her mom, and Leah's dad. They were in cages, over a dark pit. She also saw the monster Leah had been describing to her.

"Great, what do you want," Kalley asked.

"I want the girl," The monster said, with a very thick french accent.

"Leah?" Kalley said.

"Yes, the blonde one, she has great potential you see," The monster said.

"Liked we'd ever just give you Leah," Kalley told him.

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