Chapter 10

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The three of them sat in silence for a while on the train, but Leah pointed out something important, "So why do you think the monster in Maine?" She asked.

"I just have a feeling, didn't you see it closer in your dream," Kalley asked back.

"Um yes," Leah answered.

"How did they look," Kalley questioned.

"He had a mane like a lion, and his voice sounded different. It still had the raspiness, but he also had a French accent," Leah explained.

"We should kill it," Jeremiah suggested.

"I mean that's the plan, but me and you both know that the monster will just reform in 50 some years," Kalley rebutted.

"Reform," Leah repeated, confused.

Kalley and Jeremiah both looked at her, forgetting that Leah was still new to this, "We didn't tell you?" Jeremiah asked.

"No," Leah told them.

"Well, since monsters don't have souls, they just crumble away into dust but they don't die," Kalley started.

"Their essence just goes back to Tartarus, and then they reform and head back to the mortal world," Jeremiah finished.

"So monsters never die?" Leah asked,

"Nope, they'll keep coming back until the end of time," Kalley said.

"Weird," Leah finally said after a while.

"Yeah, monster logic is weird," Jeremiah admitted, "Luckily, most monsters have bad memories so when they reform, they normally don't go after you, unless,"

"Unless what?" Leah asked.

"Unless, you leave a big impression on them," Jeremiah said, "Then most of the time they make it their goal to find you".

"Oh!" Leah said.

It started to get dark and Kalley was ready to pass out, but she heard something faintly from outside the car. Drowsily, she looked up and saw about 3 figures flying around the train.


"What are those?" Leah asked.

"I don't know Leah," Kalley told her

"Are those wings," Jeremiah asked.

"I think," Kalley replied.

"Do you think they're griffins?" Jeremiah asked again.

"I hope not," Kalley answered.

"What's wrong with griffins?" Leah asked.

"Everything!" Jeremiah answered.

"They're horrible, greedy, monsters!" Kalley explained further.

"What! No! Griffins are great!" Leah said.

"What makes you think that?" Kalley asked.

"I mean, they can't be that bad," Leah corrected

"They're horrible, they steal gold, and attack people for fun," Kalley added.

"I thought they were symbols of courage and strength," Leah mentioned

"Well clearly whoever told you that hasn't ever dealt with them," Kalley told her, while reaching for her knife.

"Wait! Let's not go straight to violence, maybe they're just flying by," Leah suggested, hoping she was right.

"No, that wouldn't be it. Griffins tend to stay away from mortals and demigods unless they want to attack someone," Kalley explained

"If they don't want to talk, they stay away from mortals because they think they're better," Jeremiah continued.

"Oh," Leah said sadly, "I never thought of Griffins that way."

"Yeah, I also thought griffins were great when I first found out I was a demi-god," Kalley admitted.

"What's their weakness?" Leah asked.

"I, um, don't know," Jeremiah said.

"Oh no," Leah said, "Well, what would they want with us?"

"Only Zues knows," Kalley told them, as lightning crackled in the distance, "Correction, he does not".

Right as Kalley said that, one of the griffins crashed through the window.

Leah reached towards her pocket before stopping herself. No, they can't see it, Leah thought, The ministry will kill me.

"Fuck this," Kalley said, pulling out her dagger.

"Can't the mortals see them?" Leah questioned

"Nope! The mist covers it up," Kalley shouted to Leah.

The first griffin dived down towards Leah but Jeremiah jumped in front and swung his spear at it. It barely missed the griffin because it flew backwards. Over by the other end of the car, Kalley was stabbed at the Griffin's wings, but it kept flapping them so she kept missing, and the whole time this was going down, the people nearby were screaming, and trying to get out of the train.

"We need to help the people," Leah yelled out.

"We can! By killing these griffins!" Kalley shouted back.

"But they have families!" Leah stammered.

"So?" Jeremiah asked, stabbing Griffin one in the wing.

As more griffins came, Leah started to run out of ideas. So she reached into her pocket and took out her weapon of choice, then she muttered something. A flash of light came from nearby Leah, as she quickly put her weapon back in her pocket. When the light cleared, all of the griffins were gone.

"What the Hades was that?" Jeremiah muttered, looking around.

"Was that you Leah?" Kalley asked, walking towards the other two.

"Um, yeah," Leah admitted.

"How the Hades did you do that?" Jeremiah asked.

"Um, some magic I learned from my siblings?" Leah lied.

"Well, we should get going," Kalley told them, "The police are probably coming soon."

"What! Why?" Leah asked.

"We just destroyed a train car, they're gonna want us for questioning," Jeremiah explained.

"We should get going, like now then," Kalley told them, as she grabbed one of her bags and jumped out of the car through the missing window.

Leah and Jeremiah soon followed suit and they ran off into the darkness.

(A/N: Another short one, I'm sorry :,>)

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