Chapter Two: ēligere

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Metal clashed with steel as sparks of instantaneous fire enveloped the room.

The deafening sound echoed through the air as metal met unyielding steel. Bullets Ricochet everywhere, and I could almost taste the metal as it zipped through the air, narrowly missing my head.

I didn't have time to think; my body acted on impulse. I felt the heat pulsating from the core of the machine. I knew what was after me.

For a singular moment, I saw the machine stall its gear, cranking and turning ferociously. I quickly grabbed Dusty and ran for the front door.

His body was hesitant, but I managed to pry him off his seat like wet glue. I could feel his heartbeat drumming through his sweaty hands.

"What... what was that."

He stutters, trying to speak, and trips over a wooden block, scrapping his left shin.

His purple hat, pierced with a singular bullet, slowly toppled over his head and fell gracefully after another round of angry stray bullets charted a path toward us.

"Come on Dusty we don't have time MOVE IT. ."

I held his wrist tight, toggled him along like a rag doll, and ran for what felt like hours. We managed to find shelter behind a toppled round table. We took a monetary breath, staring at each other.

" are Anthony, the...the most wanted criminal in the wasteland."

He curls up in a ball, rocking back and forth.

" I didn't sign up for this."

" I didn't sign up for this."

" I didn't sign up for this."

" Get a grip dusty, the only sympathy you are getting is the quick pain that killing machine is offering."

His eyes widened.

"How can you stay so calm? That is a execution type robot."

" It... it"

He pauses, scratching his eyebrow.

" It will not stop until its execution warrant is completed."

I looked at him, noticing his body covered in dust and pebbles.

" I..."

" We need to move."

He patts down his body with his other hand, looking for bullet holes. At the same time, kneeling down and scanned his environment.

" I.. I...I don't understand."

"There is no time. I see an opening we need to move."

I could feel wooden flakes fighting to enter my nostrils as I swiftly maneuvered through the debris. My ears still ringing, and my mind shaken. That night, I was moving only with instinct.

Clank!! Clank!!

Another fierce clash of steel and metal rang in my already distorted senses, and all I could hear were the echoes of a disgruntled voice.

" The hell do you think this is, you tin can? You are not in Republic territory anymore, you have no authority here."

Another violent clash was followed by mechanical winding as the machine locked an intense violet red beam at the forefront of Dusty's head.


The beam envelops the palm of the machine as it spreads its plastic synthetic fingers extending towards us, almost trying to reach for Dusty's head.

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