Chapter 3: Solitarius Lupus (Part 1)

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"Lupus solitarius fortior est quam turba infirma.

" A lone Wolf is stronger than a weak pack."

How I ended up like this is a question I have asked myself more times than I could count. From before The Fall, to being adopted by Constant, and now an old man constantly on the run and a fugitive. It all seems like a nightmare that never ends.

I sharply turned my head to a dark patch of the forest. A cluster of bushes restlessly rustled.

"  Who's there show yourself."

I pointed Constant's bent shotgun at it.

" .. I... I... have a gun you know... show yourself...  I am not afraid to use it.."

Before my bluff could be called, a grayish rabbit hopped out, nibbling on a blade of grass. I took a deep sigh and continued deeper into the endless dark pit this forest was.

As I went deeper, darkness became present in both night and day.

The mixture of mud and snow left the path slippery, cold, and wet. Every step I took felt as if it was my last. I could feel the breath of the animals and insects creeping down my neck.

I heard fierce howling in the distance, which made me jump, scratching a tree's thick branches. I could also hear the whimper accompanying the howls.

"Wolves," I muttered under my breath, creating a thick fog.

I quickly snapped a thick wooden branch from a tree that almost screamed as I separated its body. I then took a piece of gear from my pouch and sharpened the edge of the branch, making an almost sharp spear.

Wasting no time I quickly made my way to the whimper I heard earlier. The closer I got, the more human it sounded.

I didn't know why I was doing it again. Running to the aid of someone who never appreciates it. The look of terror in their eyes when they discover who I am. I don't want to deal with that again. I thought as I ran, breaking branch after branch.

" Ughhh.... This is so frustrating why can't everything be black and white."I yelled into the distant darkness but received no sympathy from the dark.

It wasn't long before I arrived at the source. It was not in fact human but a dog. A really large white dog. As I walked closer to it, The Moonlight peaking through a small hole in the thick trees illuminated its white fur and wounded chest.

It whimpered as I got closer and louder as I walked to it. It was breathing heavily as it scratched at the ground with its hind leg unable to move the front ones. The claw marks on its chest and howling meant this was their prey.

Not wanting to be involved I slowly walked away, but as I did I could see tears streaming down from its eyes almost resembling a human.

" No...No.. No.. I... Promised myself."

I looked back at it again. Its eyes were more starry than they were before; pulling me closer and closer to them.

" Ughhh...why do I always do this."

I punched a tree, knocking down leaves and sticks.

" Here let me patch you up."

I kneeled looking over its body; noticing claw marks and bite marks which looked several inches deep. There was blood flowing through more holes than I could count.

The dog, which I called Lulu, kept whimpering and whining, but as I held her head I could feel an altogether different type of warmth. I quickly gathered a needle and some white wool strings and started working my way through her body patching her up one wound at a time.

" This is going to hurt."

As if she could understand me, her body stiffened and she closed her brown eyes and gave a soft bark.

It took a couple minutes but I managed to stitch up her wounds and cauterized the entries with fire and metal.

She was unresponsive for a couple of minutes, but she slowly started gaining her strength as she got up to lick my face.

" Yeah yeah, it's all right."

I rubbed her stomach and red fur.

" We are two lone individuals who found each other in this dark forest."

She collapsed on the ground before I could finish my last thought.

" Lulu... Are you alright?"

I leaned closer, feeling her heartbeat. I sighed as I realized she was asleep.

" You scared me for a second."

She gave me an exhausted look and slowly laid her head on the wet forest floor. As I wrapped her body with torn clothing, I could hear the howling from earlier getting stronger and stronger as the seconds went by.

I knew I could not outrun them, so I snapped another branch of a nearby tree and lit a fire with the two flintstones I had stored in my pouch. With this, I thought I was ready to face what was ahead waiting for me, but I was sorely wrong.

The wolves encircled me. I could feel and smell their foul breath, like the stench of an uncleaned sewer. Their Hunt and thirst for prey gave me goosebumps in my right arm. Lulu looked at me nervously, trying to stand up slowly.

"Stay down girl I got this...."

Without warning a gray wolf covered in dirt lounged at my throat. However, I quickly dodged its bite and impaled it with my wooden stake. Lulu gave a light bark then laid her head back on the dirt. Another one went for my ankle, however, I kicked It in the stomach and sent It retreating into the woods. As wolf after wolf made an attempt for my life they were either killed or scared away by the unrelenting fire I proudly owned.

Over time, the wolves silently retreated. I thought my troubles were over, however, I could sense an altogether different type of thirst.

I looked over my shoulder and saw death itself.

It was a majestic white wolf whose every breath made a thick fog that traveled with it as it slowly walked towards me. I looked over to Lulu however it wasn't interested in her. It kept its eyes fixated on me, encircling me

". .... get...... get out..."

I waved and yelled at it, however, it kept walking undeterred, still encircling me. Its eyes almost fixated at my throat. I could see its brown calm hazel eyes. I picked up a stone from the snowy ground and tossed it, hitting its head. It kept on walking slowly and calmly. Its white fur ruffled amidst an incoming cold wind.

We stood there still, our eyes locked not daring to look away, however, as I reached for my weapon it lounged at me. Its vertical reaching way above my height. As I looked up, there was almost a beauty to its wrath.

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