Chapter 6: Fiducia

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"Come on girl. Come on Lola this way."

She whined and struggled as I guided her to Constant's father's office.

I mean, I couldn't blame her. The building has seen better days. It had an ominous feeling; I would get murder vibes from it.

"Lola, the machine men with big guns will be here any second I can not be here on the streets come on."

After a few minutes, which felt like an eternity when I was exposed in the street, she finally hesitantly walked inside the building while remaining on the edge of her short leash.

"ah man you gonna get me killed one day."

We entered the building and were met with a breeze of foul odor and scary creaking in the room's dark corners. She licked my hands while shivering as if she could almost smell my fear.

I closed the doors, and the vibrations almost brought down the house.

"So Lola, my dear friend, apparently Constant dad was previously a scientist at NASA."

Lola sat down and started wagging her tail. She bent her head and kept her eyes focused on Anthony's movement.

"Constants told me to find a book here containing important information about the truth before the fall. I don't know what I will find, but it beats raiding bunkers all over the states."

I walked up the stairs that made a perfect arch curving its way through space. With each creak, I could feel the boards shake underneath me.

"Let's hurry up Lola his office should be around the corner."

I talked to her like she was human. I mean, it was better than actually talking to a human.

We finally reached the office door, which was half opened, and spiders crawled out of it. The air was thick, and I felt I could choke on it at any second. However, Lola was unaffected. She sniffed and licked the air and surfaces alike.

We walked around soaking in the room's history. Closely hidden under the dusty shelf was a PlayStation 4. Just the sight of it brought back warm memories of my childhood.

There was even a Nokia still intact. I only heard of these from my parents when I was little.

As I kept rummaging through the history, I accidentally bumped into a table that sat dead center of the room. A hidden drawer loosely swung open, and a rusted old journal with water damage had a carving ingrained in the center of the cover.

Astronomical observation Year 2023 August 14.

I dropped the book like a hot stove in a camping fire pit.

"What is this."


I raised an eyebrow and looked through the windows, ensuring I wasn't being watched.

I looked at Lola, but she continued to lick the wooden leg of the table. I picked the book back up and began reading from the beginning.

"It has been far too long since I have been trying to warn the global health council about the use of brexmite in products. They all didn't believe  me. however, now they are all dead."

I pulled the chair connected to the dust fellow into the air, sat down, and kept reading, trying to entertain Lola as she played next to me.

"They have defunded my project again. I have shown them the evidence that proves my hypothesis over and over again but they keep brushing it aside. Each time my proposal almost passes in congress or the senate Titan Forge Industries and their religious partners interfere again. I have given up all hope and believe the world is coming to an end soon."

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