Chapter Two: Part 2

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As I recollect memories of that day, I still don't understand how I survived. The android standing over me, and me on the brink of death. It all seemed like faith. It's like someone wanted me to live. I know it sounds crazy. Memories of my life flashed in front of me. I remembered the times I spent with Constantine after the fall, and the fun time I had pissing off the republic. My only focus was this must be what death feels like. I felt detached from the world. It was as if I were floating on a bubbly cloud until I was dragged back to my painstaking, familiar reality by a familiar voice.

"GET UP!!, Anonthy GET UP!!. You're not done yet."

'Not yet."

I could hear a familiar warm voice, which I mistook for my dead mother, but it was a disgruntled old man yelling at me again.

I opened my bloodied eyes and looked up. I could see its body covered in oozing red blood as Constantine grappled with the android. He tugged and struggled with it, wrapping his legs and arms around it. His blood smeared on its metallic body.

I gave a light smirk, shouting over the head of the android.

" How on earth are you still alive you old geezer?"

The android shifted his focus to constant and finally lost its grip on me and fell to the ground, wrestling with the old man.

" Well don't stand there help....Ughhh."

" Help me would yah."

I rubbed my pulsing red wrist, quickly picked myself up, and lounged towards a set of loose wires poking out from its stomach. As I got closer, it transformed its hand into a stainless steel blade aimed at Constantine's head. However, before he could strike a deadly blow, I pulled its wire halting its movement.

" Anthony..... Ver......dun....unpo....order"

Its arms made a loud thud as it fell to the ground. The android silently shut down as the last shred of lights in its system went dim.

" Constant, are you okay? Are you still alive?"

I rushed over to him, his body still pinned down by the weight of the android.

" I mean... it's.... it's not looking good for me here."

He gave a nervous smile.

" I am bleeding out. I mean... I have this thing on me I don't know man it's really not looking good."

He laughed sarcastically, well he tried at least; every laughter was paid with a pool of blood. I managed to pry the android from his body, but I could already see it was too late.

His face was pale, his will diminished.

" Hey.... Hey old friend, stay with me."

I grabbed his hand as he laid there motionless, unable to move and only to speak briefly.

" Come on, Anthony, with all we have been through, don't be sad at my death's door."

" But...but"

I stuttered, fighting back tears

" This is how I always wanted to go out. In a blaze of fiery glory."

I lost that battle, and tears streamed from my eyes.

" You are the only family I have left. I ..... Can't.... lose you too."

With all his strength, he lightly palmed my wet face cheeks.

' I know... I know I need to tell you something important."

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I held his hand.

" My father died a couple years back and..."

He coughs, spitting out blood.

" Hey, take it easy Constant."

" In his office in Dallas there is a book with data on solar activities of that day."

My eyes widened.

" What.. huh.. What do mean I can't go to dallas."

He weakly grapples my palm.

" You must!!! I never really understood the things that old man did, but he was a NASA scientist running data from a satellite that day when it happened and he found something, but died before he could share it."

I dropped his palm softly, scratching my head.

" Even though that's true, you're telling me to walk right into the capital of the republic of Texas while also being the number 1 most wanted criminal in Texas."

He smirked. "Well that sounds like a normal tuesday doesn't it."

"Constant, this is no time for jokes."

He took a deep breath and gave one last sigh.

" Thank you for being with me to the end. I wish I had lived a little bit longer but what can one do? Make sure to take care of Annabeth she needs a new father."

I turned and looked at the bent shotgun.

" You mean that old thing I can't ev...."

Before I could finish my sentence, I could feel his soul leave his body

" Constant .. Constant, you still there?"

I shook his body softly but was met with no response. I finally took a deep breath and closed his eyelids with my palms.

I proceeded to kneel on both knees with my hands interlocked together over his body, and I closed my eyes.

" You know Constant I never really believed in this new religion thing you talk about all the time and I know I can not give you a proper burial. Here is my last gift to you my friend."

" May the light of the New Republic shine upon those who seek it. Guide those in the afterlife who have lived it, and advise those who listen to it. For the republic is the true religion and the only religion to be followed.'

' Amen."

" Thank you for being there for me, old friend."

I quickly stood up and grabbed my gadget bag through the rummages of the bar and headed straight for the extensive hole, blowing cold air into the bar.

During the entire ordeal, I thought about how I could not stay for long to give him a burial because the android we killed was a scout, and its attack squad was on its way.

Before I left, I looked at his lifeless body one last time.

" May we meet in the afterlife, my friend."

As I left, I could hear the echoes of the attack squad in the distance as it got closer as every second. Without hesitation, I quickly got a hold of Constantine's white mustang getting ready to ride it.

The horse was distrustful at first however, upon touching its head and indirectly showing my intentions. She let me ride her, and without a moment to waste I grabbed the rope around her neck and rode off into the dense woods, never looking back again.

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