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Thursday, October 24th 2020

The death and last song of an unforeseen hero

                     The death and last song of an unforeseen hero

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by Adam Rutherford

Credit and disclaimers are at the bottom. Remember, this is a fiction story.

Today, we are sad to report that Marcel Dubois passed away in the hospital 20 minutes ago. The balanced warrior and champion of the people has fallen. How it happened has many distraught and fearful. Today, we will give you all the information you need to know about what will be happening moving forward, and for those who are new to this situation, we will do our best to inform you and catch you up.

Marcel was a bright young woman who loved to play the violin and dance in her free time. From interviews with her loved ones, we know she was very dedicated to her talents and hobbies. She won many awards and competitions for her craft, and most of all, she was humble. She knew her own strengths and weaknesses and used them to her advantage. From interviews with her former opponents, they had nothing but positive things to say about her.

During the state of Texas Delargange pu raspi contest, which determined the best violinist in Texas, her opponent Sofia lost to her. However, Sofia had this to say.

"When we competed, I knew I was outclassed and outmatched however competing against her felt like I had a big sister watching over me."

The overwhelming support for Marcel is undeniable. Because of her giving nature and attitude of commitment to service and social reforms, she naturally took a stand when Forge Industries decided to gain a complete monopoly over another industry for the fifth time. They skyrocketed their prices and took shortcuts to achieve maximum yield while reducing safety.

During the October 24th march on the headquarters of Forge Industries and every facility in the US, Marcel was observed and seen leading the charge of the people's quarry and complaints. She was seen in New York protesting at the headquarters of Forge Industries.

Trivia Question:

What makes Forge industries so powerful?


Well, the answer to that question is economic and political influence and dominance. To keep this brief and short, from the president to local judges, foreign industries have their lobbyist influences on the government.

It is a common joke that if you want any type of funding to win an election, you make sure to get the backing of Forge industries. However, this poses a problem because they basically control the government and economics of the US. Because the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 did not pass and every attempt to enact monopolies laws failed, Forge industries quickly dominated all industries. They enforced the products and their qualities into society, and we all bought them.

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