Archeological Excavation: A Letter to an Emperor

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Excavation year: 1989

Item code: 233458

Context: This was a letter discovered in Greece and was written by Domitia III, a lead miner in the famous Ludvancan group to Marcus Aurelius, the 70th emperor of Rome. Matt Rutherford, an English scholar, accomplished translation from Latin to English.

Carbon Dated Year: 171 AD

The letter reads as follows.

          "Dominus meus, I humbly bring myself before you as a servant of the Empire, as a servant of the state. I write to you, my liege, for we have discovered something grave. Our god Neptune could not protect our men from this disaster. We were mining ore near an island in the Ionian Sea as per our duty to the Empire. We stumbled upon a strange island even Juno would fear. With no hesitation, we made haste in landing there looking for resources to mine, and to our surprise, a cave filled with light blue ores reflecting the sunlight illuminating the cave. Was this a gift from the almighty Neptune? Was this a blessing? We did not stay still enough to ponder and began mining the ore. We spent many moons setting up camp and distributing rations to the men. We used the land to our advantage and in the first month our men did not starve. Everything was going well until the last moon cycle of the second month. It seemed the heavens were at odds with us that day, almost even angry. On that day one of my lieutenants had discovered a vast rich pocket of the rich blue ore, so all of our men gathered wanting to see with their own naked eyes a grave mistake I should have prevented. I was in my logging, several hundred pecs away and received the news late. For when I did I made my way to the cave hoping to discipline my men for their disorganized behavior, however as I walked over with my messenger; for a moment I was blinded by the heavens distracted, and before I could react the entire cave exploded consumed by fire. I ran to my men but nothing remained but charred skeleton, ash, and smoke. They were all dead my liege, every last one of them. Leaving me and the messenger the only survivors. I could not bare returning to the Empire my lord so I write this letter to you delivered by my messenger. This letter serves as a warning to stay away from this island for it is cursed. I also send to you the only remaining piece of the blue material still intact. It was found several feet inside the cave. It was alone but for some reason remained intact. My messenger will bring this letter and documents of our expedition to the capital and I will remain here on this island as my penance. May neptune bless the Empire into riches and success "

                                                                                                                                                                              Domitia III

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