Chapter 4: Inopinatum amicitiae part 1

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Personal diary entry one: Holy Republic solstice Calander: 3/17/2062

"I find myself stuck and unfortunate for helping someone again. This time, things are different. I mean, I would like it to be different.

After I woke up, I found myself already tied to an agreement I was unaware of, but I can't really complain because without it, I would be dead. When I woke up, Dusty explained the situation to me. The caravan was already heading to the Texas capital, and the circus master decided to let us tag along. They just so happen to need someone of my expertise at that very moment.

However, what concerned me was that we would have to cross the interstate highways and face the Highwaymen. I used what little strength I had to try to warn the circus master. Dusty mentioned that they had a deadline with the Holy Republic church, and it was either the wrath of the church or the Highwaymen.

From my travels through different states, I have crossed paths with some of them. They're a group of renegade rednecks who were smart enough to occupy the interstate highways in Texas after the world ended. They spread over the rest of the country like plague.

One would ask where the US military was; conversely, you can guess what happened to them.

After the fall, the military was too weak to stop them, seeing about 95 percent of the US armed forces were wiped out on day one. Leaving few to defend what was left of the country.

They have checkpoints all over the highways and impose a tax percentage based on what you currently have in your possession. However, the taxes can be hefty, and some would rather fight than lose everything.

There is a darker side to the highwaymen. They have a yearly game where they hunt people on the roads for one day, and if they catch you, all I have to say is that they almost caught me, and I have a mile-long scar on my back.

But this year, they aren't having the games.

As a unit, the cavern trekked past the ruins of city after city. I noticed many of the cities collapsed at different fracture points. The vines had grown to the point where they had consumed cities, replacing technology with wildlife. It was as if nature had hit an enormous reset button. It was sorrow in its purest form, but ironically, it was no longer nature in pain.

After spending a few days on the road, I found I could hide my identity among these people and actually live my life for once. It took some time to heal, but about two weeks on the road, I could stand up and walk by myself. I spent most of the first few weeks with Lulu; we worked together. After she healed, I could feel her always fighting the inner urge to explore; however, she remained with me until I could fully stand for myself.

I didn't see much of Dusty in the first week, mostly because I didn't want to, but he would make an effort every four days to check if I was still alive. I felt he only did that because I had to be alive for the contract between him and the circus master to be valid."

To this day, I will never understand why he cared so much. Maybe I can ask him when I see him in another place.

"We are a couple days away from reaching Dallas, the capital of Texas."

Personal diary entry two: Holy Republic solstice Calander: 4/2/2062

"We successfully made it past the Highway Men and are a few days away from Dallas. Apparently, there is more to this mysterious circus master. When we arrived at the checkpoint, the scrappy highwaymen immediately let us through without hassle. I'm not sure what is going on there.

I've gotten lazy in creating these diary entries because I was immediately put to work and busy ever since my legs healed.

However, the journey to the capital was more complex. We stopped around other city-states and forts to give small performances. Most people in Texas reside in small city governments and man-made forts. Because of the fall, all levels of government, from federal to state, collapsed, leaving the local governments to fend for themselves. So it made sense that we made pit stops here and there. I found it very exhausting seeing each city-state bring its own trouble and politics.

A cabbage seller in Fort Dunex told me that the Holy Republic has been aggressively taking over city-states, and Fort Dunex might be next. I was skeptical of his claim, seeing that throughout the entire conversation, he thought I was his dead daughter, Rose. I believe he has dementia, but how he stayed in business is beyond me.

After Fort Dunes, we rode straight to Dallas—as straight and fast as we could go. The horses were constantly taking pit stops, which nowadays is accounted for in long-distance travel.

I noticed we weren't an anomaly as we approached city-state after city-state. From what I heard from the locals of Texas, the circus was a neutral figure that had continuously operated since the apocalypse. I wonder why Dusty has so much animosity towards the circus and the circus master. We talked the other day, and he didn't mention it.

I tried asking the crew about the nature of their relationship; however, they continued to shut me out as usual.

In conclusion, it was an exciting week. This is the longest I have ever stayed in one place. During the entire time, Lulu spent most of her time barking and chasing after every new exciting object, which happened every five seconds."

Personal diary entry three: Holy Republic solstice Calander: 4/8/2062

"We are about five hours from the capital, and the circus master called a briefing that included all crew members. This is the first briefing we have ever had before arriving in a city since I was here. The caravan and carriages are parked in a circle on plain land with few trees. Afterward, we all gathered around, and the circus master slowly configured himself at the middle of the circle.

He went on about no one leaving the circus parameters when we got to Dallas because of kidnapping and cannibalism. He also implemented a buddy system where, no matter what, you are only allowed to leave with your buddy. Then, after going over things I still vaguely remember, he pointed at me and summarized my duties in the last week of my contract, which was also the week of the big event.

After announcements and producers were made, we all entered our respective caverns, echoing our job. Mine was a barn that hosted all the circus animals, including ALL THE ANIMALS.

We just arrived in Dallas, and it was as I had expected. The city was completely walled off, with vines wrapping around it forming cracks in the walls. The walls had the Holy Republic banner flapping chaotically as a gust of wild winds blew past. Based on its mood compared to its environment, we could see how lively the city was. However, as we got closer to the town, it felt like it was still out of reach.

There were checkpoints with four guards wearing metallic makeshift armor that covered their entire body to their necks. They had silver swords by their hips and rifles in their arms. We waited in a long line of makeshift caravans, and as we got closer, more and more people were denied entry. They were turned around, and all I could hear was DEINED, IMPROPER IDENTIFICATION, and more. I was a little worried because I was the only outlier in my group, and we were the next carriage, but I had nothing to worry about. The circus master personally vouched for me, and within seconds, as the horse walked into the city, I was hit by a wave of new sensation."

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