Chapter 7: Rebus natus est

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I broke a piece of the dirty window with a firm, rigid stapler. The stapler had cobwebs wrapped around it, which probably belonged to a family of spiders.

I used my elbow to tear the rest apart systematically. Upon staring down the height from the window, Lola and I looked at each other and then at the door. We could feel the cold ash-ridden air filtering through the window as we considered our options.

But that choice was taken from us as the banging on the door was replaced with mechanical winding and the sound of energy winding.

"Lola we gotta jump and we gotta jump now. We don't have a choice."

She paced back and forth, struggling to stiffen her quivering knees. However, as she mentally prepared, I grabbed her by the waist and momentarily bought her the courage she couldn't afford.

"Up we go."

She growled, yelled, and whined, and I followed her down doing the same things. Within seconds a ray of shrapnel pierced through the door and flew past our heads narrowly giving us a haircut.

We landed on the back of a carriage filled with bundles of hay and a very confused farmer. Not having time to explain, we quickly took off, blending into the busy street of people.

"Sh**t sh***t sh**t how did they find me?" I softly mumbled under my breath as I matched the pace of the surrounding people, trying not to stand out.

I was internally panicking and was ravaged by my thoughts.

"Was it Dusty? That slimy little man did he sell me out?" I internally monologued until I found myself with a sign that stated.


I manifested a grin on my face.

"I will find out. I knew I could never trust anyone how the hell–"

Mechanical churning replaced the sound of the rusting metal and creaking caused by the wooden floors in Constant's dad's room.

"da**n it John, I told you to stand your fu**ing androids down."

Shepherd yelled over an intercom, the vein on his forehead threatening to pop.

John sighed as static from the radio, making communication in the Dallas region difficult.

"You have to understand Shepherd this was a personal request from the emperor and he wanted to.....uhhmm... you would say be thorough."

"Ughhh I really don't get paid enough for this."

John typed as he spoke.

"Shepherd if I wanted someone who whines after a setback then I would have gone to a sergeant. Do your job and do it fast."

John abruptly cuts the communication link, fizzling out the electrical connection.

"D**mn it." He throws his comsat at a wall cracking it in the process.

"Breath shepherd, remember Angela said my anger does not control me. Breathe, breathe." He took a massive breath that inflamed his nostrils.

A soldier in less colorful attire approached the shepherd, and the soldier's face showed his confidence—or, to be precise, his lack of it.

"Ahem uhumm." he gulped.

"Yes." Shepherd sharply glared.

"We received word from a resident shop owner who said he saw a man and a dog falling from a building and heading towards the circus."

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