Chapter 3 Part 2

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Note: Podcast translations are coming soon

I quickly dodged its bite, but not before it slashed my left ear, leaving its mark on my face. The wolf slid across the muddy forest floor, splashing mud over its white fur, bringing him closer and closer to the forest he longed to be with. I quickly scrambled to grab my wooden stick, but it beat me to it and tore a chunk of flesh from my hands.

"AHHHHH You..."

I screamed, but only silence and echoes were returned to me. Without hesitation, it charged at me again, but its eyes focused on my neck this time. I dived to the side, slipping in the process.

"You know, I am tired of this."

I picked myself up slowly, catching my breath.

"Every single place I go I always find myself struggling to survive."

I pointed my stick at the wolf but did nothing more than anger it. He swiftly jumped at my throat again; however, I quickly dodged it, kicking it in his rib.

"My only friend is dead."

I kicked the wolf again as it limped, trying to escape.

"My parents are dead."

I kicked him again, and he let out a loud whimper.

"My wife is dead."

I walked over to my spear and picked it up, gripping it firmly.

"And now I'm an old man on the run, unable to live anywhere because I did the right thing for once."

I grabbed its head, dangling it.

"And here you are, trying my patience."

My hands were sticky with wolf's blood, and the stench made my nose twitch. We stared at each other, stationary. The echoes of our painting filled the empty forest floor, our eyes burning bright with fury. I almost sympathize with the wolf. I could see the eyes of someone who had been alone for a long time. I could practically see myself in his hungry eyes. However, the silence was broken as the wolf desperately lunged at my wrist, taking a chunk of it.

"Ugh mother..."

I loosened my grip on him, and he dashed into the forest. I suppressed the urge to chase him.

I stood there, barely holding on to life as blood coursed through my body like a river paving a new path. I fell to the ground knees first, my head facing the rising sun on the horizon. As I consumed the warmth of the sun, I eventually lost consciousness.

Most of what I could remember of that night was agony and pain like nothing else I had ever felt. However, little did I know that I also died that day, and what awaited me when I woke would change me forever.

"Wake up sleepy head, how long are you going to lay there?"

I peeled my eyes open, but my vision was still blurry.

"Dad is that you?"

The hazy figure turned his head left and right and began scratching his head.

"Oh wow, I don't know about that. I mean I've had several women call me daddy, papi, Papà."

I sighed and relaxed my body.

"Hmph ... .Oh it's just you Dusty. I mean you ran so fast you almost ran out of my memory. What do you want?"

"I mean I dated this Korean chick and she said something along the lines of papi but it was so complicated. I would also-"

"Ughhh.. What do you want? You coward."

As I fully regain my sight. I saw my entire body covered in brownish cloth. I tried getting up, but he used his hand to halt my advance. I had never felt so weak. .

"Woah coward is a very strong word. I made a strategic escape trying to survive. Any-"

"YOU LEFT US TO DIE," I shouted, my voice cracked in the process.

He waves his hand around his signature wave while scrunching his forehead.

"What do you mean? I don't even know you I am supposed to die for you? It's the waste land its every man for themselves."

He went over to the wall and opened a see-through hole that reflected intense sunlight, which made me jerk back.

I hadn't realized I was in a moving vehicle until my space started rocking and turning.


A disgruntled voice howled outside.

"Yeah, that's Bob, he's our cab driver in the circus."

"Circus?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, if you would have given me a second to explain things."

I rolled my eyes and grinded my teeth.

"Whatever man, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was being in a forest and wolves everywhere."

He gave a nervous laugh.

"Well, you see what had happened was, during the entire fiasco..."

He could not maintain eye contact with me.

"I had run into the forest hoping to escape all of that."

He gave another laugh.

I smacked my teeth and turned my back on him.

"Wait wait but-"

'But what... You want me to thank your cowardice?"

"But it still saved your life. If it wasn't for the dog's constant barking, I wouldn't have found you."

I jolted up more alert than I was since waking up life seemed more boastful at that moment.

"Where is she; did she survive?"

He pointed to a large white ball covered in mud that I could barely make out.

"I mean I was surprised you didn't notice she had been there the entire time."

He shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess that's what happens when your heart is shrouded by anger."

I gave him a sharp look.


He flinched a little.

"Okay okay calm down dark knight."

I hurried to her side, petting and sliding my palms painfully on her fur. She was unresponsive, but I could feel her heartbeat like the drums of a circus.

'You mention a circus... I-"

"Let me stop you right there."

He opened a small curtain on the window of the cab's entrance.

"This is how you survived. I managed to negotiate medical aid and shelter, but in return... Oh, you are not going to like this. "

I looked outside the curtain and saw a trail of carriages with exotic colors. Some were painted blue and red, and others had colors I had never seen before. My eyes peeled open.

'In return for what?" I clapped back.

"We have to serve in the circus for 3 months to repay the cost of taking care of you."


Chapter 3 Translation: Solitarius Lupus translates to Lone wolf

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