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After they finished lunch, the finalists were gathered to draw lots for the final event, getting the rules and such explained to them. Another “no rules other than don’t murder” sort of event, but this time it would be one-v-one battles until someone went out of the ring or couldn’t continue. As Midnight tilted the box for people to draw opponents from forward, Ojiro raised his hand.

“I’d like to forfeit.”

Izuku’s eyes widened. “Ojiro, what are you doing? This is what people will be watching, don’t you want the exposure?”

He shook his head. “I haven’t earned my place here. My team’s rider had a quirk that made my brain all weird. I didn’t contribute in the second event at all, I shouldn’t get to participate in the third.”

Another boy from his team nodded. “I was thinking of pulling out because of that, too. Just doesn’t feel right.”

Midnight pursed her lips. “I wouldn’t recommend it, but if that’s what you boys want then you can stop here. We’ll figure out who’ll take your places, for now, the rest of you can draw. If you draw either Ojiro or Shouda, you’ll be paired with one of the replacements.”

The students nodded, forming a line and drawing their lots. Another teacher walked between the students from the other teams before coming back and informing Midnight of the replacements. Once all was said and done with, the bracket for the final event was displayed on the overhead screen. Izuku found his name, seeing that he’d face off with Kaminari.

“Look at that! We’ll get to go ham on each other right at the beginning!” Kaminari said, seemingly materializing behind Izuku.

Izuku chuckled. “Apparently. After that, the winner will have the chance to face That Shinsou kid that made Ojiro leave.”

Kaminari pursed his lips, studying the screen. “Not looking forward to that. Let’s hope Shiozaki wins between them.”

“What makes you think you’ll get the chance to face either of them?” Izuku countered, turning with a smug look. Kaminari returned the grin.

“You’re right, I should be focusing on how to get past you first.”

Izuku raised a hand for a fistbump. “Give our best?”

“No doubt,” Kaminari confirmed, accepting the fistbump. He walked off, Katsuki quickly taking his place.

“See you in the finals, Deku.”

Izuku tilted his head to the side. “What are you talking about?”

“Look at the board,” Katsuki countered, pointing up at the screen. “We’re on different sides of the bracket. Only get to fight if we both make it to the end.”

“Well, I appreciate the blind faith, but I have to face Todoroki before I can get to the finals.”

“Then beat his ass, duh.”

Izuku rolled his eyes. “You have to make up your mind. Is Todoroki kicking my ass or am I kicking his?”

“Whatever benefits me most,” Katsuki stated with a nod. “C’mon, let’s go to our waiting rooms.”

“What about the recreational events?”

Katsuki lifted an eyebrow, walking backwards towards the exit. “C’mon.”

Izuku frowned. “I can do things other than train, Kachan.”

“Yeah, but will you?”

“... Fuck you,” Izuku muttered, following Katsuki towards the exit. As they started forward, he looked off just in time to catch the glare of the purple-haired kid. Shinsou, as he’d now learned. “Hey, Kachan, you go ahead. I think there’s someone else that wants to either trauma-dump or beat the shit out of me.”

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