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“You fucking bitch!”

Izuku winced, holding the phone at arm's length from his body and still hearing Katsuki’s yelling loud and clear. “Kachan, I-”

“You took on the fucking hero killer? Alone?!”

“I wasn’t alone, I had Iida and Todoroki-”

Katsuki laughed humorlessly. “Big fucking whoop, you had two other hero students with you! That doesn’t mean you stood a chance! You’re literally only breathing right now because you have the luck of a goddamn leprechaun!”

Izuku sighed. “Kachan, if you’re just gonna yell at me, I’m gonna hang up.”

“Hit the fucking button then bitch because I’m not stopping any time soo-”

Izuku hung up and dropped his phone back on the table next to his hospital bed. Iida and Todoroki had been watching the call with mild entertainment the entire time. Once Izuku finished, Todoroki leaned forward, running a hand over his bandaged arm.

“He’s right. We shouldn’t have gotten out that easily.”

Izuku sighed, leaning back against the raised bed. “Yeah. I think he was mainly just thrown off by the situation. He’s used to fighting one on one after a surprise attack. Facing two people after they get the jump on him made him weaker, and the fact that I was constantly yelling at him and stuff was definitely not helping that. In any other situation, we probably would have died.”

“I’m sorry,” Iida croaked, looking down at his hands. “You both were put in danger due to my own shortcomings and shortsightedness. I let anger and grief drive me into a murderous rage, and because of that you were almost killed.”

Izuku hummed. “Yeah, you fucked up. That’s a bit rude, I know, but I did give you, like, three offramps from that road.” He ran a hand through his hair, adjusting his bandaged leg. “Still, you’ve realized your mistake. Next time, just reach out when you’re going through something, dude. We’re here for you, or at the very least I am.”

Todoroki looked down, picking at a loose string on his hospital gown. “Midoriya is a good listener. He handles things like this well.”

Izuku could sense the shift in Todoroki’s mood, but wasn’t able to address it as a knock at the door announced Mirko and Manual. The former walked over to Izuku and knocked him on the top of the head.

“You should’ve been more specific about what was happening, brat! I would’ve sent backup for you a whole lot sooner!” She was beaming with pride, despite the fact that she should probably be more upset about the situation.

Izuku rubbed his head with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I didn’t want to waste the time explaining. Honestly, I still barely got there in time.”

“It’s you getting there that is the issue,” another voice drawled, a man with a dog mutation quirk stepping into the room. Manual clasped his hands behind his back.

“Boys, this is the chief of police, Tsuragamae.”

Izuku tilted his head to the side. “Are you here to get our statements again or something? I thought we got that taken care of last night.”

Tsuragamae shook his head. “There is an issue with what you boys did. Fighting, even when done against a villain, is something reserved for licensed heroes and police, as to keep peace. Unauthorized quirk usage is not something taken lightly.”

Todoroki folded his arms and glared at Tsuragamae. “Are you trying to say we’re in trouble? For taking down a literal murderer?”

Izuku scoffed, a feeling of anger welling inside of him. “Of course not! We didn’t do anything against the law.”

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