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Kirishima yawned, adjusting his binder underneath his shirt. "Some day, huh?"

Yaoyorozu hummed. "Indeed. You did amazing, though. Quite the debut."

He chuckled, glancing up at the twinkling stars above them as they approached the dorm building. "All I'm worried about is debuting the hottest shower imaginable and crawling into bed," he announced, opening up the front door.

"You fucking idiot! "

Kirishima didn't have time to process or react. All he knew was that one moment he was standing, the next he was on his back with someone on top of him.

"Do you know how worried I was?!" Kirishima looked down to see Izuku burrowing his head against his chest, sobbing heavily. "Don't you do that again. Never. Don't ever do that."

Kirishima had been frozen in shock, completely unsure how to react. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Izuku. "Wh-what exactly is it that I did?"

Izuku shook his head, balling his fists into Kirishima's shirt as he quietly cried.

"He was listening to police communication channels he'd hacked into and stumbled onto the one where you were working," Kaminari explained as he walked through the dining area. His shirt had wet spots on it and was incredibly wrinkled, suggesting that he'd received the same treatment Kirishima was getting. "All it said was that Fatgum had been attacked, and that his redheaded sidekick had run off after one of the perpetrators without any backup. He immediately started trying to run out, babbling about how you needed help and stuff." He rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile. "I actually ended up needing to knock him out to keep him from going. He's been like this since he woke up."

Kirishima looked down at the green head against his chest, moving a hand to move through the curls as his chest felt like it was going to explode from all the mixed emotions he was feeling. "Midoriya... I was fine, dude. There were plenty of other people there. You wouldn't have even gotten there in time if you tried-"

" Don't you think I know that? " Izuku whispered, " I know that. But I... I couldn't just stay here. I had to- I couldn't- what if- " he took a shuddered breath. " Never run off like that again. Asshole. "

Yaoyorozu sighed, rubbing her arm as she stood in the blocked doorway. "In his defense, he shouldn't have had to go without backup. However, Amajiki and I were hit with some strange bullets. They've stopped us from activating our quirks."

Izuku's head snapped up, red eyes still glistening with tears. "You- I- A-Are you okay?"

She waved away his concern. "Fatgum is sure that it will wear off soon. A good night's sleep is sure to help."

Kirishima smiled up at her before looking back down at Izuku. "Fatgum actually mentioned that it might have something to do with the case your agency is working on. Maybe we'll get to work with each other. For real, this time."

Izuku sniffled, straightening to sit up so that Kirishima could do the same. "Maybe. But only if you promise not to be stupid and run off on your own."

Kirishima sat up, raising an eyebrow as Yaoyorozu slipped past into the empty common area. Everyone else had presumably gone to bed already with how late it was. "Don't you run off on your own all the time? That's how you've gotten into most of the trouble you've faced."

"That's different. I'm expendable, you guys aren't."

He said it with such confidence, Kirishima could actually feel something in his heart break. He reached out and yanked Izuku back into his chest, burying his face into the crook of his neck. "Don't. Don't you ever . Ever say that again."

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