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After they'd finished the room competition, everyone had trickled off to bed, urged on by Iida stating that they needed rest for the following day. Izuku shut his room door, padding over to his desk.

He understood why he didn't win, his room was still relatively bare aside from all the notebooks scattered around and various hero posters plastering the walls. During the competition, Ashido had poked fun at him for the noticeable surplus of Eraserhead merch, but he brushed it aside. He'd had to dig for hours through the internet to find the items, at that point it was more of an achievement to have them. Still, it wasn't like it was only Eraserhead merch, like how his room used to be with All Might. Notably, there actually wasn't a single thing that could even be mistaken as something relating to the Symbol of Peace.

He flipped open his current notebook, and turned on his laptop, opening up the security footage he'd worked to get since being discharged. He took a steadying breath before writing in bold letters at the top " SHIGARAKI ". He played the footage, pencil flying as he watched the footage from the USJ attack at half speed.

A couple hours later, his phone vibrated on the desk. He paused the footage he was watching and checked the notification. A small part of him had the fleeting hope that it was from Inko, but no such luck. Instead, it was from Hatsume.

Chaotic Construction: How good are you at breaking and entering?

Izuku sat on the edge of his bed with a smirk, typing back, "Depends, who's asking?" He waited a few minutes before getting a response that made his eyes light up.

Chaotic Construction: Wanna help me finish Phase 2?

He quickly sent, "Where we meeting?" before tossing his phone down on the bed and changing into the same sweats he'd worn on his vigilante night. He pulled the hood up, picking his phone back up and checking where he was going. He slipped on his sneakers and walked out onto his veranda, easily swinging himself over the banister and landing on the ground with a roll. He snuck over to the hedges and made his way in the shadows to the main UA building, meeting Hatsume at a side door.

She was in no way dressed for stealth, simply wearing a black tank top and jeans with her hair pulled out of her face. She waved as he approached. "Hey, Midoriya! Ready to get this done?"

He shushed her, glancing around. "Are you trying to get caught? Now, how were you planning to get in?"

She tilted her head to the side, pulling out a keyring from her pocket. "What are you talking about, Powerloader gave me the key to this door and the workshop so I wouldn't bother him at the crack of dawn. What were you planning?"

Izuku straightened from his slight crouch, clearing his throat. "Uh, nothing. Let's go in before we get caught."

Hatsume nodded, unlocking the door and holding it open for him.

The door was connected to a direct hallway to the workshop, making it so that they wouldn't have access to the rest of the building. From the graffiti on the walls, it seemed that Hatsume wasn't the first student trusted to be back there. Dozens of brightly colored names and graduating years decorated the painted brick, a few actually being the same as top support item companies.

Hatsume ran her hand against the wall as they neared the door, smiling affectionately at the names. "Powerloader says he hasn't let a first-year back here in ages. He thought it was only right, though." She stopped by one name, blue glitter paint twinkling in the dim lighting of the hallway. Hatsume Akari. Izuku glanced at the year below it, seeing that it was nearly twenty years old.

"You're mom, I'm guessing?"

She nodded. "She taught me everything I know. Now, it's my time to show her what I learned." She turned and unlocked the workshop door, holding it open once more for Izuku. She rushed over to her oversized locker, opening it up and grabbing a few cases from inside. She opened one and took out Izuku's glasses, holding them up and pointing an accusatory finger at him. "Oh, and don't think getting kidnapped will get you out of trouble. I saw that you messed with my baby, what gives?"

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