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"Why do we have to be up so earlyyy," Hagakure whined, drawing out the 'y'. She was practically getting carried by Ojiro as the class trudged behind Aizawa, yet still had the nerve to complain.

Ojiro chuckled. "You didn't seem to have any problem yesterday, we got up earlier then."

"We didn't spend the day before that going down a mountain," she muttered with a yawn.

Izuku shook his head from where he was walking next to their teacher, looking over the list Aizawa had given him. "So everyone's doing personal training today?"

Aizawa nodded. "Their tasks are self-explanatory. Yours is the only one that's a bit weird, but that's because I had to work out what to train during the camp."

"What do you mean?"

Aizawa stopped, the class gladly doing so as well. He turned, folding his arms and assessing the students. "The past three months, you've all had more experience than most second years. However, you still have the power of first years, and that's not cutting it anymore." A few people started yelling out their insults, but Aizawa ignored them and continued. He tilted his head down with a dangerous smirk. "Are any of you aware of the saying that when you break a bone, it grows back stronger?" He stepped aside, letting the students see a clearing up ahead of them.

There were huge rock structures with various platforms, as well as a table holding one of the cakes and a few boxes of chocolates that Izuku remembered from the list he'd gotten for the shopping mall. He could also see the oil drums from the list, as well as the human hamster ball.

"We're about to shatter your quirks," Aizawa concluded darkly.

After that cheerful pep talk, Izuku helped the pros to get everyone situated into their borderline-torture tasks. Once they were all in their personal hells, Aizawa led Izuku to a smaller clearing, still in sight of where everyone else was but separated by a single line of trees.

"So what exactly am I doing? I don't have a quirk for you to shatter."

"No," Aizawa agreed, bringing Izuku to the center of the clearing where a big red "X" was spray-painted into the dirt. "But you do have something else."

Izuku tilted his head. "And what would that be?"

Aizawa lightly rapped his knuckles against Izuku's head. "Your brain."

"Delightful. Should I keep an eye out for falling pianos or anvils? This is a bit cartoonish." He remarked, gesturing to the ominous "X".

Aizawa hummed and walked over to the edge of the clearing, grabbing something that was leaning against one of the trees. He tossed it to Izuku, who caught it easily.

"My bat? Why do I need this if you're testing my mind?"

"So many questions. Just find the patterns. If you can get through five rounds clean, you'll be done."

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows. "Pattern of wha-" He got interrupted by something smacking him in the back. "Ow!" He turned, looking down to see a baseball bouncing away. "What the-" He got hit again from somewhere to his right, this time catching him in the shoulder. He squinted, searching the shadows beyond the trees. Another ball hit him, but he was able to make out the shape of a baseball launcher in the distance. He kept getting hit from a new direction every few seconds, making it much harder to focus, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that he was surrounded by the launchers, each hurling a ball at him at random moments.

He sighed as he got hit again, finally lifting his bat. "Aizawa, you motherfucker."

" Alright, kids, that's it for today! "

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