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Kaminari itched under the hat Yaoyorozu had bought for him as part of his disguise. "Why do we have to be all dressed up again?"

"Because we can't even walk to school without getting recognized, dipshit," Katsuki snapped, his hair looking ready to burst from the slicked-back style they'd wrestled it into. "The villains would catch us in half a second, and then we'd either be dead or restrained right next to Izuku."

"It's weird hearing you use his real name," Kirishima noted, adjusting his fake horn. "I'm so used to you yelling 'Deku' that it's almost wrong for you to call him anything else."

"I'll call the damn nerd 'Deku' when we have him back," He muttered, leading the group towards where the tracker said to go.

Kaminari chuckled, following close behind before caught his eye. "Hey, wait," He grabbed Katsuki by the sleeve of his button-up, Todoroki running into his back. The group looked where Kaminari was pointing, seeing a group of people gathered in front of a technology store. On one of the TV screens in the window, Aizawa was standing next to Vlad and Nezu, all speaking at a press conference.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and tugged away. "We can watch it back later, now isn't the time."

Kaminari watched the screen for another moment as the others passed him. He sighed and started to follow, accidentally knocking into a shorter man wearing a backpack.

"Oh, uh," He lowered his voice as best as he could and stated, "Sorry there, bud."

The man looked down, pulling his sunglasses on further. "You talkin' ta me?" He snapped, sounding like he was also trying to change his voice. "Get outta here, punk."

Kaminari pursed his lips. The man seemed familiar, but maybe it was just because his green curly hair looked really similar to...

Kaminari flinched as his arm was grabbed and he got dragged away. He looked up to see Yaouyorozu shaking her head.

"You need to focus, Kaminari. Now isn't the time to dilly-dally."

He nodded, glancing back for any sight of the man. He could see the back of his head, joining up with a younger man that was bouncing up and down happily on his toes. "Right, sorry. I just thought-"

"We're almost there, let's go!" Kirishima announced after looking over Katsuki's shoulder and running off. The rest of the group ran after him, heading towards where the tracker said their friend was.


Izuku watched the group run down the street, something about them seeming familiar. He shook the thought away, looking back at the screen. Aizawa had just finished telling off some reporter for saying that Izuku was bound to be targeted and gotten interrupted by Nezu.

"We are cooperating with the police, to ensure the safety of Midoriya. He is beloved by not only his classmates and teachers, but much of the public as well. It would be foolish to think his capture would be taken lightly. We are trying our best to make progress, and hope to find him soon."

"You really have a way of making people fall for you, don'tcha?" Toga whispered, her personality and body language not fitting the brunette man's form that she was in.

Izuku chuckled. "C'mon, let's go get Ragdoll."

He followed Toga down the street to where the warehouse was. Many people were on the street, making it harder to navigate around discreetly. Not to mention, Izuku's face was plastered everywhere that had a screen. He appreciated the effort that was going into finding him, but he couldn't let himself be found. Not yet. He had to get Ragdoll first, before it was too late.

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