The journey

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Notes: Hello guys. I'm SORRY for not updating earlier!!! But im here now. 🙈

In this chapter - Byul is going after YongWheesa, but she has no idea where they are going yet. There are timestamps that show us what were the specific characters doing at that time of the day. Hope it won't be too confusing. Remember that Moonbyul left 7 hours after YongWheesa arrived in the States. So the two parallel actions are happening at different times, on the same day.

TW: talks about depression

"Are you sure that's their flight?" asked Moonbyul, packing her suitcase.

"No, Unnie, how can we be sure? There are like 15 flights. But you said three layovers, economy... That's the only one.

"Right... okay! Thank you for everything." Byul said and closed her suitcase.

"Unnie, are you sure you don't want us to come with you? I can come, Joohyun already said she'd take care of the baby." Seulgi said and drove her hands through her hair.

"No, Seul, thank you, but I have to do this by myself. I don't even know if she's with them. What if she's not? What if she jumped back and they just went on a couples vacation to the States?" Byul said quietly, then sat down on her big bed. The sheets suddenly felt too cold. "I... if that's the case I prefer to be there by myself..."

"Byulie," Irene said, picking up the phone, "where are you?" Byul moved the phone to her face and looked at her friend. "It's going to be matter what happens. You found her. You met her. You went on a date with her. You went to sleep so many times listening to her voice. You exchanged jokes. You watched movies together. You talked about life and your past and your present. You had her. Even if it was for a few months. You did. Then something crazy happened and she saved your life. We all owe her. No matter if you'd find her in the States or not. You had her.."

Byul looked up and Joohyun saw her tears, so naturally she teared up too. "You're going to be okay. It's going to be okay." She said, her voice breaking. Byul just nodded repeatedly not trusting her voice. The door of her room creaked open, and Byul saw Eun-ji's little head popping in. "I gotta go. I'll keep you guys updated, alright?"

"Thank you. Have a safe trip. I hope you'll get the girl." Said Irene with a smile hugging Seulgi, who was holding a sleeping baby dressed as a bear cub.

Byulie waved, then hang up, waving at Eun-ji to join her. The little girl walked up to the bed, got up, and snuggled into Byul.

"How much of that did u hear?" she asked her sister with a sad smile.

"Mmm, not that much, Unnie. Just the part where you like a girl and she left you .." Eun-ji said and hugged her bunny. Byul chuckled then turned around and pulled the little girl on her lap facing her. "I'm not like .... I like different things." she started.

"You like girls," Eun-ji confirmed.

"...yeah, I do. I find them more interesting than boys."

"Do I have to like girls too?"

"No," Byul said with a smile, "you're allowed to like whoever you want. You could like boys, girls, or people who don't want to fall into either of those categories. You know, we're all people, we're all different. You don't have to fall inside people's boxes. They invented them, and they expect that everyone would just pick a box, and try to fit in it. Well, people like me don't like the boxes. We want to dress however we feel comfortable dressing. We want to wear a hairstyle that we pick ourselves, we want to work a job where people would just respect us and the fact that we choose not to fit in. But people get mad. They get angry when you don't want to fit in their boxes. So they look at you sometimes when you're walking by. They say mean things to hurt you and scare you, so you can go back to the box. And it's not fair. Because we weren't meant to be put in boxes. We're meant to be different and unique and interesting. And everybody should be allowed to live outside the box and be happy. I just wished people would let us be happy." Byul said caressing Eun-ji's hair.

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