Chapter 6 - Trusting the Process

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Aurora's POV

I'm still in denial.

I haven't let myself process the fact that my feelings for them were warranted. That I wasn't just some lovesick puppy pinning over who I couldn't have.

They're mine.

I'm theirs.

In the most intimate way possible.

A vampire's beloved.

It's not uncommon for vampires in the world to have humans as their beloveds. We only know this because they've been out in the open since before I was born. Being a vampire is considered normal in today's time. They've fully integrated into the world, in every aspect possible. Politics, acting, business, arts... you name it, there's many vampires all involved in those worlds, living, and working seamlessly within government administrations and locals all the same.

I don't know much about vampire royalty other than what Kaede and Acyn hinted at when we were younger, as they kept a lot of that secret from my brother and me.

I guess that will change now considering my "change" in status.

I sigh loudly, my head pounding from the stress of my realizations and the sheer surprise and shock I'm still experiencing. I sit on my couch, head down and start to massage my temples, hoping to alleviate some of the pain.

I haven't seen them since they bombarded me in my apartment three days ago, which I hope means that they are giving me space to process, but I know they won't stay away for long. I need to get myself together and work through these emotions so I can be around them with a sane mind and body.

I was able to take some time off work so I can just be in my feelings and sort through it all, but I'm only on day one of my so called "vacation" and I am already going stir crazy. I tried to work right after they hit me with this surprise, and I couldn't even function enough to make it through a shift.

Honestly, it's killing me to not work. I was never one to stay stagnant. I was always doing something, keeping myself as busy as possible. Some would say it's so I didn't have to face my fears and uncertainties, but I would argue differently.

But maybe that's because I know deep down there may be some truth there, and I'm always unsure if I ever want to face it.

Surprise! Guess I have to do it now.

Kaede's POV

"She's struggling. You must feel it." I say to my brother, who is sitting on my bed, casually scrolling through his phone as I stand, leaning ever so slightly on the wall behind me.

I'm anxious and have been finding it hard to relax. Aurora's feelings have been spiraling, and Acyn and I can feel her every emotion. Not as strong as we would if she was marked by us, but we can still feel a semblance of her feelings through our bond.

"Of course, I do. I feel her stress and anxiousness as you do. But you know as well as I do that she needs to process this. She's gone though a lot with our "abandonment" as she would call it."

I sigh softly.

"I know. I just wish she would reach out and open up to us so we can help her."

"Believe me, Kaede. As different as we are in personality, we are similar in more than just our looks." He glances up at me with a sombre expression and I shift my weight and lean back into the wall.

"She looked good though, didn't she?" He questions, and I groan, leaning my head against the wall with a soft thump. "Don't start."

"What else are we going to do while she works through this? We haven't physically seen her in 10 years, Kaede. She was literally a pre-teen the last time we laid eyes on her."

He's right, but I don't want to admit it.

Aurora is a beautiful creature as an adult.

"Did you see her tattoos?" I ask and Kaede smiles wickedly, as I just gave in to what he wanted. "I did. Coloured hair, tattoos, piercings? She's literally a walking, talking version of our type of woman." I chuckle at his statement, but in all honestly, I love the look of her darker side. I'm more reserved than Acyn is in some ways, but I'm a sucker for any type of body modification. I even have a few myself, same with Acyn.

"Davian said she hasn't even had a boyfriend since we left." I say, and Acyn scoffs slightly, putting his phone down and swinging his legs over until his feet hit the floor. He looks up at me.

"It's surprising, but honestly? I'm glad. She's ours to take."

I nod, smiling.

"In every single way possible."


 - still filling in some background and whatnot, but we will be getting into longer chapters soon!

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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