Chapter 7 - Cause and Effect

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Aurora's POV

It's been a week, and I think I'm finally ready to face everything.


Being their beloved.

As much as I hate what happened, and what they did to me and how they made me feel, I do understand their duty to their race with their ascension. I know it wasn't the only reason they left, but it was a major one.

I don't know many details aside from what my own parents told me, alongside the very small discussions with Kaede and Acyn back before everything went to shit, but here's what I know and have come to understand – with a little help from some vampire history books from the local library too.

Vampires go through what is called an ascension once they come of age. Usually around the age of 20, which is measured differently than human years. Vampires age at a faster pace than humans, so they reach age of "maturity" before we do. This explains why they thought at 13 I was too immature to understand what it meant to be their beloved, and in turn didn't pursue me.

Once vampires ascend, they stop aging completely, although they still mature mentally and physically with time, based on training and experiences. Usually after ascension, their talents and skills manifest themselves – speed, intelligence, mind/emotion control, among other things. From what I read, most vampires all develop the same skills, the only difference being vampires from a royal line.

Like Kaede and Acyn. The Knight bloodline. Highest ranking vampire family lineage.

Royal vampires also develop access to magical talents when they come of age and are much stronger and smarter than other vampire counterparts. My dad said that they go through rigorous training to be of complete sound mind and body once ascended.

Stop thinking about their bodies.

Ever since Acyn made me aware of how I felt around them, I haven't stopped thinking about how my body immediately responded to them. I haven't had a single boyfriend since they left, and now I am all too aware of the needs coming to the surface. It's not like I don't know what sex is, I just never allowed it into my life.

Seriously reconsidering that now, though.

I sigh as I sit up in bed and reach for my phone, tapping my brother's contact in my address book. He answers on the second ring. "Ror."

"Davian. Let them know I'm ready to talk, and to meet me in my studio later today."

"You got it. Are you okay?" He asks with genuine concern, and I can't help but smile. "I think so, but there's still a lot to work through."

"I hear you. See you later."


I hang up, tossing my phone into my forest green comforter with another big sigh. I stretch and yawn loudly before getting up and ready for the day.

- - -

Acyn's POV

Sitting in the basement of our house in our recreation room, Kaede and I sit, silent, doing our own things. I'm reading, and he's playing a game of some sort. His phone pings, and he pauses the game. I watch from across the room, him lifting it until it's eye level and he opens his messages, and his eyes scan the screen. I sense the change in my brother as he deeply inhales and then turns to me.

"It's Davian."

"And?" I question, looking back down to the book in my hands, relatively unbothered by his words.

"He said Aurora wants to talk." The sound of her name has me closing the book abruptly, not caring about losing my place. "Okay, well that's more interesting." I sit up, placing the book on the small table beside the couch where my ass has been planted for the past few hours after we finished up some royal "tasks" with our parents.

Paperwork of our return mostly.

My attention is drawn back to Kaede as he elaborates. "She wants us to go to her studio in her apartment later."

"Even better." I state darkly. I always loved the fact that Aurora danced. The strength of her in her element always riled my senses. Obviously, we had kept up on her through Davian, him updating us on her decisions and choices regarding dance, life, love, and the like. I know she still does ballet and is very good at it; but maybe I'll get a glimpse of just how skilled she is now. My pulse quickens at the mere thought.

"You think she's ready?" Kaede asks me, concern tinged in his tone and I half smile. "She must be in some sort of capacity if she's willing to see us again." I say in my best way to try and reassure him. Kaede always worries himself sick and has done that even when we were younger. He's not weak by any means, he can easily rip, maim, and kill as me with no remorse, but when it comes to Aurora, he's worried and his emotions get the best of him.

I can't blame him though. I even fully thought that Aurora would fully reject us once we came back, and I'm still not even 100% convinced that she's going to be all in at this given moment.

But she's ours, and we have to try. This just may be the first step towards the future we want with her.

- - -

We walk into the familiar building that houses Aurora's apartment, head up to her door and follow Davian as he unlocks it and enters. Her scent is strong, and I inhale deeply.

Fuck, she smells so good.

He walks through her kitchen to another door that must lead into her studio. Entering, we go down a couple flights of stairs when I hear music playing lightly. I turn back to look at Kaede behind me and he smiles, knowing that we very well may be seeing our beloved dancing as we've always loved.

As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I notice the main doorway is sectioned off by a long black curtain, and Davian pushes it aside to reveal the large room, with the full floor to ceiling mirrors, ballet bar, and other dance and workout equipment. The music increases in volume now that we're fully inside.

The room is decorated very plainly as most studios are, but with some colour. Mainly muted earthy tones. Greens, beiges, and browns.

It's so her.

My eyes land on Aurora next, and I feel like a horny teenager, but I can't help the reaction. She's wearing her black bodysuit and sheer black tights, showcasing her toned, muscular legs as she stands en pointe. The rest of her body is on display as well, and she's fucking stunning. Her hair is tied back into a ponytail, her green bangs framing her face as she focuses on holding herself up. I glance back at Kaede and smirk as I see his eyes land on her and immediately flashing red with need.

Me too, brother, me too.

I watch her for a moment, as she's facing away from us and hasn't noticed our presence yet. She effortlessly goes into an arabesque, her lines clean and beautiful. Kaede and I are well versed in ballet; but we only know these terms from watching her practice and learning all we could about it while we were away. Could we do the techniques? Hell no. But can we talk about them and know what they mean? Yes.

She turns and notices us then, smiling her radiant smile before leaning down to untie her shoes, taking them off. She tosses them aside near the front of the studio with a small clack and makes her way over to us.

"Thanks for bringing them here, Davian." She half smiles at her brother and he returns it before taking his leave.

There's some silence between us as we stand there, Kaede and I side by side and her in front of us. I can sense her heart pounding, and I can tell she's nervous being alone with us again, but she doesn't show it in her face. She nods over to the right side of the studio where she's moved a couple of small loveseats for us to sit at. She turns and walks over, and I can't help but watch her tight little body move with grace as she goes to sit down.

We follow suit and sit across from her on the other loveseat, and my heart picks up in anticipation, and the proximity of her. Her scent hits me and my mouth waters in delight, and I can feel it affecting Kaede as well as he clears his throat awkwardly and slightly crosses his legs.

My little darling, oh how I want to devour you.


-ooo we starting to move into it now!!

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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