Chapter 4 - Unpleasant Surprise

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Aurora's POV

"You're fucking lying. There's no way they're here." I state to my brother, who is still standing in my hallway, awkwardly shuffling his feet. When he doesn't reply to me right away, I quickly grab his arm and pull him inside my apartment and shut the door loudly, dropping my stuff beside it before walking around to stand in front of him.

"Davian." I say in a warning tone. "Fucking talk to me you asshat."

"They're downstairs. Waiting for me to give the okay to come up." He says quietly, clearly trying to avoid conflict with me.

"That's not fucking happening, and you damn well know it." I reply quickly, my voice dripping irritation.

"Ror..." He trails off and I shake my head.

"No! Why would I fucking let them come in here to see me after what happened?"

"It's important." Davian states sternly and I scoff loudly.

"Important? You're kidding. Just because it's important, I should let the two men that completely and utterly shattered and abandoned me come back in my life? After YOU gave me so much shit for ever having feelings for both in the first place? This is fucking rich coming from you."

"Aurora, I know okay!?" He raises his voice in frustration. "I KNOW what happened. I KNOW how I reacted and treated you afterwards, but they need to see you and talk to you."


"It's not for me to tell."

"Jesus fucking Christ! You can't give me one good reason! This isn't happening, and you're such an asshole for bringing them here to MY HOME! I'm fucking stuck and don't even have an option of leaving as they're downstairs! GOD, I FUCKING HATE YOU RIGHT NOW!" I scream and he flinches and back away from me as I run my hands through my hair and take deep breaths.

My heart is beating a million beats per minute, and I begin to hyperventilate. I pace back and forth, my mind and thoughts racing with anger and pain.

"Why would you do this?" I ask as I feel my resolve break and tears well up in my eyes. "Davian.... things were better for me, you freaking know this. You've watched me heal myself from the inside out and now you're threatening to reopen the wound again."

"I'm sorry Aurora. I really am."

I shake my head and wipe the tears from my eyes and turn my back to him. "I don't even know what to say anymore. After all the shit you gave me and put me through that entire time, to just drop this catastrophic bomb on me... I can't do it Davian. How do you expect me to be okay with this?"

"Because you have to be, Aurora."

I freeze in my spot, recognizing the voice immediately and it's not Davian.


I inhale shakily and clench my hands into fists at the sides of my body.

"Davian, you can go. We will handle it from here."


"I'm sorry, sister." I hear Davian say before I hear retreating footsteps and the door close once again. I didn't hear the boys open it in my outburst. "Aurora, turn around." Kaede asks quietly and I shake my head violently, squeezing my eyes shut as my heart pounds loudly in my ears.

"Aurora. Face us now." Acyn demands and I scoff. Of course, he would be the one to harshly demand things of me.

"I'm not doing this." I say loudly, surprised at the strength in my voice considering my mind is in complete shambles.

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