Chapter 9 - Sweet Darkness

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Acyn's POV

Spending time with her is so good in so many ways.

Kaede and I have spent almost every single day with her over the past three weeks, even when she went back to work at Devour, which was a lovely little surprise. It's almost as if she becomes another persona at work, especially when she's dancing in the cages.

It's almost as if she reflects Kaede and I in both sides of her.

Sweet and innocent.

Dark and sultry.

At first, Kaede and I weren't too happy of other people looking at her, but we realized quickly that this is her job. Her profession she chose, and if it makes her happy, then we're okay with it.

Doesn't mean that I won't rent out the entire club to just have her dance for me.

Today has been the first day we've been apart, and it's only because Kaede and I have our own training to do. Our magical gifts need to be honed and perfected, and our training doesn't end just because we've ascended. I watch Kaede go at it with his manipulation of the elements, seeing how much easier it has been getting for him and feeling a burst of pride towards his progress.

He hated initially that his power was to control elements, but he's welcomed it now.

I, however; can control the mind. I can manipulate reality for others, make them see things or believe things in a higher capacity than a regular vampire. I can even break minds, make people feel they're losing their minds. Easier to master but takes just as much out of me to use those powers as Kaede with elements.

Our trainer calls it a day and Kaede and I both head to shower and clean up.

I'm sitting in our recreation room when Kaede comes out from his room, freshly changed as I am. "It's late, you going to bed?" He asks me and I shake my head. "I had other ideas."

"Like what?"

"Sneaking in to see Aurora while she's sleeping."

"And do what?"

"Give her body a little awakening. You've felt the tension in her recently yeah?" I ask and he nods.

Of course he has. She's accepted us in her life now, and every time we're close to her I can feel her body react. Her heart pounds, her legs strain and clench a little, probably to stem the desire she feels. It's foreign to her, and it's our job to make it familiar.

Kaede paces in anticipation. "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

- - -

Aurora's POV

I wake abruptly, feeling like I'm being watched. I sit up in my bed in complete darkness, my eyes not adjusting fast enough. I was dreaming about Kaede and Acyn and some of the moments we've shared together over the last few weeks.

They've treated me like an absolute queen, and to say I enjoy it is an understatement. In saying that, I've been feeling frustrated. My body has been betraying me, and it's been taking everything in me not to give in. It's getting unbearable and I now know the meaning of sexual frustration.

I want to touch them, feel them, dominate them, and let them dominate me.

I'm terrified of it but thrilled at the same time.

I hear a creak in the hallway, and I jump out of bed quickly to check, but I don't get far. I'm pulled back into a hard chest, and a hand wraps around my neck, tilting my head up. My heart screams in my chest and my breathing grows ragged as I realize it's Acyn holding me.

"Hi little darling." He says quietly, his breath fanning over my ear and the side of my neck. I shiver in response, and I hear him groan in approval.

"Where's Kaede?" I ask, my voice hardly audible. "He's here. He's watching." I gasp quietly at the revelation, and I try to clench my legs together to stop the desire going through me like a damn freight train.

Kaede's words stop me.

"Don't you dare, Aurora. Keep those legs open."

I hear him loud and clear, but I don't feel him or see him, and I bite my lip to muffle myself. I obey his command, keeping my legs open as I feel Acyn's fingers trailing down and tugging my tank top upwards.

"You trust us?" He asks and I nod. "Yes. I just..."

"Just what?" Acyn says as his other hand splays over my abdomen under my shirt. "I just want to know where this came from."

"Care to tell her Kaede?" Acyn says to the room and he's then in front of me so fast, looking down at me as Acyn holds me in place. "You need release, little one. It's been building up for weeks. I know you've been feeling it, and Acyn and I just want to relieve the ache."

They're so right. Of course they're right.

I moan lightly and I hear Acyn chuckle darkly. "Don't fight it anymore darling."

"I don't want to fight it anymore. Please. But I'm not ready for..." I trail off in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, little one. No sex, we promise. We will build up to that, but..." He quiets as he runs his hands up the sides of my body slowly before cupping my face. I glance up, my eyes finally adjusting to the darkness. Kaede stares intently at me before lowering his lips to mine, and then engulfing me in a powerful kiss that steals all sanity from me as Acyn tightens his grip on my neck, cutting off my air as he finishes Kaede's sentence.

"But you will take what we give you tonight."


 - first mature chapter of the book coming up next time!

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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