Chapter 5 - Disbelief

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Aurora's POV

Acyn lets go of my hair and I lower my head, but raise my eyes to meet Kaede's, tears welling up.

"What?" I choke out and he raises his hand to cup my face. The cooling sensation from his chilled skin makes me shiver slightly, before he pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"You're ours, little one." He runs his hand down my hair, kissing the top of my head, and I let the sobs out, them racking my body for a few minutes before I compose myself. Kaede releases me and I back away before turning to Acyn and he embraces me too. Before I can back away, he wraps his hand around the back of neck almost possessively and stares so intently at me, I can't keep eye contact.

"We know we hurt you." I scoff loudly as I'm released and I don't trust my legs to keep holding me up, so I go and sit down on my couch, the boys sitting on either side of me a few seconds after.

"This can't be real." I state quietly and shake my head. "You're joking with me; you have to be."

"We're not. We promise you." Kaede says softly and I put my face in my hands, resting my elbows on my thighs. "Don't make promises." I say quickly before sighing loudly.

Acyn grabs my left arm and pulls me into him, resting my back into his chest, settling in between his legs. His right leg is raised and resting against the back of the couch, the other laying flat with my legs on the couch. I feel the blush rising to my cheeks, and it I wasn't already embarrassed enough, Kaede lifts my legs and moves closer, draping my legs, and Acyn's one leg over his lap, resting his hands on my calves and massaging them lightly.

"Aurora. We know we have a lot to work through, but we're not lying. You are our beloved."

"You both left me."

"We did." Acyn confirms in my ear, his breath fanning over my neck.


"We were due to ascend, but you also started developing feelings and reacting to our bond. You were too young to know what was happening, and we didn't want to risk anything by telling you too early. We both went back and forth for a while trying to decide what would be best, knowing either decision – telling you or leaving - would hurt you in some way." Kaede says solemnly as he looks to his brother behind me.

"We didn't make it lightly." Acyn says with a strong tone. "We decided to go through with our ascension and our training and keep you in the dark for the time being until we could return and be with you."

"You broke me." I reach up and wipe the tears falling over my cheeks.

"We know; and we're going to spend a hell of a lot of time making that up to you." Kaede says softly.

"What if I'm not ready to be your beloved? What if I need time?" I state sternly, feeling some of my resolve coming back as we talk.

"You'll get it, but believe me, with how your body and mind is responding to us right now, you're not going to want to be away from us for too long."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Darling, do you not feel how fast your heart is beating? The heat pooling in your belly? The arousal flowing through your body and seeping through your pores?" Acyn chuckles behind me, and as soon as he says it, suddenly I can feel everything he's stated. It's like my skin is on fire and my heart is working in overdrive. I feel the attraction to them, sure. It's always been there, but there is a deep desire making itself to the surface and I blush in response. Feeling Kaede's gentle touch, massaging my legs, joined with Acyn's proximity....

I huff out a breath and bite my lip.

I see Kaede's eye flash red for the briefest of moments and I gasp quietly.

"Acyn." He warns but I hear another low chuckle comes from Acyn, his chest vibrating into my back. "Oh stop, Kaede. Look at her, all flushed." I gasp again as Acyn trails his fingers up my arms before clasping his right hand around my neck, forcing my head back slightly. I close my eyes, trying to keep my composure, but the sensations running through my body just from them touching me is almost unbearable.

"Darling, let out a little moan for him, 'kay?"

I stutter. "Whaa..wh..why?" I ask through short breaths.

"Acyn..." Kaede warns again, this time with a deep voice.

"Okay, okay. I think I'll let you find out the answer to that question yourself later, darling." He releases me and I blink a few times to compose myself before getting off the couch, my body already missing the closeness.

I look between them, finally finding my voice again. "You both can't just walk in here and expect me to just melt like an emotional puddle in front of you and have everything be okay. Please leave."

They both stand at my request, and walk past me, each of them taking a hold of one of my hands and squeezing lightly before heading over to my front door. I turn and stay in my spot and watch them open the door.

"We will always be watching you, little one." Kaede says sternly.

"Just call for us and we will be there. Bye darling. See you soon." Acyn says with a smirk, and then they both walk out, closing the door with a quiet click.

Then, it's like the adrenaline leaves my body and I collapse back on the couch, breathing heavily.

What in the actual fuck?


 - A little bit of filler this time around. :)

 - See you in the next one !! - vv

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