Chapter 3 - Disruptions

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Aurora's POV

What a night.

Devour is always busy, but tonight was just from another world. I hardly got a chance to rest.

I groan at my aching feet as I walk in the front door of my apartment, closing the door behind me with a soft click and dropping my bag immediately. I pull off my shoes and take my jacket off as well, leaving them on the floor in a trail as I head further into my apartment and into my bathroom. I smell of alcohol, thanks to one of the new bartenders dropping a full bottle of vodka, smashing all over the floor and me near the end of the night. They had run out of vodka at their bar and came to restock from mine and of course, catastrophe happened. Thankfully, the glass didn't cut me, but the massive backsplash of vodka as it impacted the floor soaked me.

Vodka – 1
Aurora - 0

I strip down, peel my sticky clothes off, and start the water of my shower. I hop in once it's hot enough, the scalding water feeling amazing on my aching body. I stand under the stream for a few moments before starting to wash up. I take as long as I need to, basking in the hot water, allowing it to relax and unwind from the long night I just had.

Once I feel calm and collected, I turn off the water and step out, wrapping my towel around myself and securing it tightly. I stand in front of my sink and wipe the condensation off of my mirror and start my bedtime routine, starting with my skincare. I apply my products in meticulous order before washing my hands and getting my toothbrush ready with toothpaste. I mindlessly brush my teeth, with not much care in mind, before I hear it.


I drop my toothbrush in the sink and quickly grab a cloth to wipe my mouth. My heart is beating frantically as I open the bathroom door and peek my head around, making sure to grasp my tied towel tightly.

Looking around and not seeing any sign of anyone allows my heart to settle slightly, but I'm still on edge.

What the fuck? Did I really just hear my name?

I dash into my bedroom and quickly throw on a large T-shirt and underwear to get myself covered and decent before heading back out, grabbing a knife from the kitchen and walking around my whole apartment with it held out in front of me like an idiot.

I check my entire apartment and find absolutely nothing. I sigh loudly and place the knife back in the block on the kitchen counter before heading over to one of my front windows that overlooks the local park. I'm only a few stories up, so I sometimes watch the kids play outside when I need to pick up my mood.

Something about watching kids yell, scream and laugh in pure joy makes my cold heart melt.

My eyes scan outside, even though it's so dark that I doubt I would see anything even if I had night vision.

But I gasp loudly as I'm proven wrong.

I see a cloaked figure standing near one of the park's light posts, only partially illuminated. I can't see his face, but I notice he's wearing a long jacket and has long hair that's blowing in the mild wind. The way he leans on the light post makes it seem that he is solely focused on me, but that can't be right. There's no way.

I feel an odd sense of longing the more I look in his direction, but I shake my head, breaking myself of my thoughts as I watch the figure turn and walk away.

Who was that?

God, I need to go to bed.

I turn on my heels and check all the locks and windows in the apartment before crawling in bed. As I sleep, I dream of them again, but this time it's a happy memory, from when Kaede and Acyn had come to one of my dance competitions with Davian and my parents to support me.

- - - - - -

"You did so amazing, Ror!" Davian exclaims as he walks beside me down the hotel hallway. We're meeting mom and dad in the lobby to go out for dinner to celebrate my solo getting the highest score in my category.

"Seriously, you're so good. You should make this your job." I chuckle lightly, enjoying Davian's excitement at my skills. We get into the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. Mere second later the doors are opening, and I glance around to find mom and dad.

"There!" Davian says loudly and I follow in the direction where he's pointing, and my heart flutters as I see Kaede and Acyn's smiling faces as they look in my direction. Davian and I rush over to them, and they both give me a hug.

"You sure know your moves, Ror." Acyn says before flashing me another smile.

"I agree, you're so talented." Kaede says excitedly before pulling me in for another hug.

Their embraces and smiles make me feel seen and my heart flutters in response.

"You didn't have to come, I know it's not the most exciting thing to watch."  I say sheepishly, fully aware that it's not really normal for your brother's best friends to come watch your dance routine.

"It's fine, Ror. We had fun, and it was nice to see you win!" Kaede says happily.

"Okay, if you're sure..." I trail off before feeling the blush reaching my cheeks.

- - - - - - 

Thank God I'm off today.

I hardly slept, replaying memory and after memory of Kaede and Acyn. I'm seriously fucked up. I hate them, why am I dreaming of them every single time I close my eyes?

I stand out on my balcony with an almost empty cup of coffee in my hands, still steaming in the cold morning air.

I need to focus. I moved on from them and I can continue to do so.

I walk back inside, finishing the last few mouthfuls of my coffee and placing the cup in the sink. I head into my room and get changed into dance clothes to go stretch and warm up downstairs. I collect a change of clothes and my water bottle and go to head down but there's a knock at my door.

"Aurora, it's me Davian. Open." I roll my eyes and go open the door, my brother standing tall and giving me a half smile.

"What's up?" I ask and he hesitates to answer me, looking awkward as all hell.

"Davian, what the fuck? What is it?"

He glances away from me and then to his feet before looking me in the eyes.

"Kaede and Acyn are here, and they want to talk to you."

My eyes widen.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.


- boys are getting introduced in the next chapter!!

- See you in the next one!! - vv

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